
Poučevanje programskih spremenljivk z uporabo problemskega pristopa v 4. in 7. razredu
ID Zgonc, Ana (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žerovnik, Alenka (Comentor)

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Sodobni kurikulumi na področju osnovnošolskega izobraževanja računalništva poudarjajo uporabo različnih pristopov pri poučevanju računalniških vsebin. Učitelj z izbiro različnih pristopov spodbuja učence k samostojnemu in raziskovalnemu delu. Slednje lahko udejanja s problemskim pristopom. Pri problemskem pristopu gre za učenčevo aktivno sodelovanje, kjer učenci pridobivajo informacije z raziskovanjem. Učenci raziskujejo nov pojav in ga povezujejo z dejavniki, vezanimi na njegov nastanek. Tako se znajdejo pred problemom, ki ga morajo uspešno rešiti (Brundiers, 2013). V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge smo opredelili projektno problemski pristop poučevanja, opisali možne načine izvedbe problemskega pristopa pri poučevanju ter utemeljili, zakaj je uporaba problemskega pristopa pri obravnavi novih računalniških konceptov primerna. V empiričnem delu smo oblikovali problemsko zasnovane naloge za usvajanje učnih ciljev razumevanja pojma spremenljivke. Naloge pokrivajo učne cilje iz sklopa Programi v učnem načrtu za neobvezni izbirni predmet računalništvo ter iz sklopa Programiranje v učnem načrtu za izbirni predmet urejanje besedil. Naloge smo uporabili pri izvedbi dveh učnih ur. Učni uri sta bili izvedeni pri neobveznem izbirnem predmetu računalništvo v 4. razredu ter pri izbirnem predmetu urejanje besedil v 7. razredu osnovne šole. Učenci 7. razreda niso imeli nikakršnih preteklih izkušenj z obravnavanim računalniškim konceptom spremenljivke. Udeleženih je bilo skupaj 32 učencev. Med reševanjem nalog je potekalo opazovanje. Opazovali smo, če se in kakšne razlike se pojavljajo v razumevanju računalniškega koncepta spremenljivke pri učencih 4. in 7. razreda, ki se s konceptom spremenljivke srečujejo prvič. Povratne informacije smo zbirali s pomočjo končnega preverjanja znanja in nestandardiziranega vprašalnika za učence. Na podlagi rešenih nalog učencev ter končnega preverjanja novousvojenega znanja učencev smo ugotavljali ključne razlike v razumevanju računalniškega koncepta spremenljivke pri učencih 4. in 7. razreda, ki so se s konceptom spremenljivke srečali prvič.

Keywords:problemski pristop
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87183 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11349833 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Teaching variables in programming using problem based learning approach within 4th and 7th grade students
Modern curricula in the field of primary school computer science education place emphasis on the use of different approaches to teaching computing contents. A teacher motivates pupils for autonomous and research work by choosing different approaches. These can be implemented by the problem-based approach which is an approach of an active participation where pupils collect information by researching. Pupils study a new phenomenon and connect it with the factors connected with its emergence. In this way, they face a problem which has to be solved (Brundiers, 2013). The theoretical part of the thesis defines the project problem-based approach of teaching, describes possible ways of performing the problem-based approach while teaching, and explains why is the use of the problem-based approach suitable when new computational concepts are discussed. In the empirical part we designed problem-based tests to achieve the learning objectives of understanding the concept of a variable. The tasks contained learning objectives within the framework of Programs from the curriculum for the optional elective course Computer Science and Programming from the curriculum for the optional elective course Editing texts. The tests were used to perform two lessons which were carried out within the optional elective subject Computer Science in the 4th class and optional elective course Editing texts in the 7th grade of primary school. The pupils of the 7th grade had no previous experience with the discussed computational concept of a variable. 32 pupils attended the lecture and they were monitored while solving the tasks. We observed if and what differences occurred in understanding the computational concept of a variable with the pupils of the 4th and 7th grade who learn about the concept of a variable for the first time. The feedback was obtained by a final test and a non-standardized questionnaire. According to the results of the completed tasks and the final test of the new knowledge of the pupils we analysed key differences in understanding the computational concept of a variable with the pupils of the 4th and 7th grade who learned about the concept of a variable for the first time.

Keywords:problem-based approach

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