
Blago kot material za spoznavanje matematičnih pojmov
ID Erjavec, Sabina (Author), ID Hodnik, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj zgodnjega učenja matematike je, da so otroci aktivni sooblikovalci lastnega učenja in ne le pasivni poslušalci. Takšno učenje matematike namreč razvija mišljenje ter spodbuja in krepi umske sposobnosti, kar pa je za razumevanje matematičnih vsebin nujno. Poleg tega teži matematika k reševanju problemov, zato moramo izhajati iz problemskih situacij, ki so jih otroci sposobni doživeti, saj se bo le tako v njih prebudilo zanimanje zanje in za njihovo reševanje (Cotič, 2009). Z različnimi učnimi metodami otrokom posredujemo (matematične) vsebine. Vsi otroci v sebi skrivajo vsaj nekaj ustvarjalnosti in naloga vzgojitelja je spodbujanje, da jo v čim večji meri tudi razvijejo. Z ustvarjalnimi učnimi metodami ne le spodbujamo ustvarjalnost, pač pa otrokom različne vsebine predstavimo na raznolik način ter jim tako omogočimo raznovrstne izkušnje. Izkušnje, ki jih pridobijo s projektnim delom, so za otroke še toliko bolj dragocene. Otrok se veliko več nauči, ker s svojo aktivnostjo sooblikuje celoten potek dogajanja. Otroci preko iger in raznolikih dejavnosti v vrtcu pridobivajo izkušnje, spretnosti in znanja o matematičnih pojmih, ki jim jih približamo na različne načine – tudi s pomočjo različnega materiala. Material pri otrocih pogosto spodbudi radovednost in željo po raziskovanju, kaj z njim lahko naredijo, ustvarijo, kako lahko z njegovo pomočjo rešijo problem. Kako torej združiti blago z matematiko? Kako pri matematičnih vsebinah razvijati ustvarjalnost, glede na to, da so matematični pojmi specifični ter veljajo določene zakonitosti? S pomočjo projektnega dela kot načinom dela, ki omogoča aktivno udejstvovanje v različnih dejavnostih, v diplomskem delu z naslovom Blago kot material za spoznavanje matematičnih vsebin odgovarjam na ti dve vprašanji.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87173 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11345225 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Fabric as a material for introducing some mathematical concepts
The aim of early mathematics learning is to make children to become more active co-designers of their own learning more as just as passive listeners. This way of learning mathematics is developing the way of thinking, promotes and enhances mental capacity, which is necessary for understanding a mathematical content. In addition to that, one of the biggest mathematics aspects is to solve problems, so we must proceed from problem situations where children are able to have a new experience, because the only way for them to awaken interest is to solve the problem by themselves (Cotič, 2009). With a variety of teaching methods we can pass a matematical content to the children. Every child hide at least some creativity and task for the teacher is to encourage them to develop their skills so they could extand their knowladge. With creative teaching methods not only we encourage creativity, but with a variety of content that is presented in diverse way, builds a good chance for children to get more experience that is possible. Experience that is acquired by the project work is even more valuable. Children learn even more, because its activity helps to create the whole course of events. Children through games and varied activities in kindergarten gaining experience, skills and knowledge of mathematical concepts they are approached in different ways - with the help of a different material. Material in children often encourage curiosity and desire to explore what can do with it, create, how can it help to solve the problem. So how do you combine the goods with mathematics? How the mathematical content to develop creativity, according to math specific terms and certain laws? Through the project work as a way of working that enables active participation in various activities in the thesis entitled Fabric as a material for introducing some mathematical concepts I am answering to these two questions.


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