
Problemski pouk pri pouku gospodinjstva v 6. razredu osnovne šole : diplomsko delo
ID Rustja, Nataša (Author), ID Kostanjevec, Stojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Lovšin Kozina, Francka (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4161/ This link opens in a new window

Namen diplomskega dela je bil na osnovi domače in tuje literature predstaviti zgodovinski razvoj in temeljne opredelitve problemskega pouka ter aplicirati metodo problemskega pouka kot primer sodobne učne metode na prehranske vsebine pri pouku gospodinjstva v 6. razredu osnovne šole. V ta namen je bil izveden pedagoški eksperiment, pri katerem je sodelovalo 26 učencev 6. razreda osnovne šole. V eksperimentalno skupino je bilo vključenih 13 učencev ter enako število učencev v kontrolno skupino. S pedagoškim eksperimentom smo skušali ugotoviti, kako različne učne metode vplivajo na znanje učencev. Pred izvedbo pedagoškega eksperimenta smo v obeh skupinah s testom preverili predznanje učencev. Po izvedbi učne enote smo preverili učinkovitost tradicionalne in sodobne učne metode z vidika kakovosti učenčevega znanja ter ju medsebojno primerjali. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je znanje učencev eksperimentalne skupine, v kateri je bil pouk izveden z metodo problemskega pouka, bolj poglobljeno in ga učenci bolje prenesejo v nove situacije v primerjavi z učenci kontrolne skupine. Hkrati smo želeli ugotoviti, kakšno je stališče učencev eksperimentalne skupine do problemskega pouka. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da imajo učenci do problemskega pouka pozitiven odnos ter si želijo, da bi bilo tovrstnega pouka več. Tudi učitelji, ki poučujejo gospodinjstvo v 6. razredu in so sodelovali pri izvedbi intervjuja, izkazujejo naklonjenost do problemskega pouka in menijo, da je predmet gospodinjstvo že v osnovi naravnan tako, da spodbuja uporabo problemske metode. Učitelji problemskega pouka sicer ne načrtujejo pogosto, se pa med poukom porajajo številne problemske situacije, ki jih izrabijo za izvajanje problemskega pouka.

Keywords:problemski pouk, artikulacija reševanja problemov, vloga učitelja, vloga učenca
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Rustja]
Number of pages:IX, 90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87127 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11336777 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Problem-based learning at home economics in the 6th grade of elementary school
The purpose of the B. A. thesis was to present the historical development and basic definitions of problem-based learning according to Slovene and foreign literature and to apply the method of problem-based learning as an example of a modern teaching method to nutritional content at home economics in the 6th grade of elementary school. Therefore, a pedagogical experiment was carried out with 26 students of the 6th grade of elementary school. Both the experimental and control group involved 13 students. The purpose of the pedagogical experiment was to determine how different teaching methods affect students' knowledge. Before the pedagogical experiment we tested the students' knowledge in both groups. After the lesson, we checked the effectiveness of the traditional and the modern teaching method in terms of the quality of students' knowledge and compared them with each other. The results showed that the students' knowledge in the experimental group, in which the lesson was carried out by the problem-based learning method, was deeper and more students transferred it to new situations. At the same time, we wanted to determine the position of students in the experimental group to problem-based learning. Using a questionnaire, we found out that students have a positive attitude towards problem-based learning and want more lessons of that kind. Teachers who teach home economics in the 6th grade and participated in the interview, also show a positive attitude towards problem-based learning and believe that home economics is a subject that promotes the use of this method. Teachers do not often plan a problem-based lesson but a number of problem situations appear during lessons which are used for the implementation of problem-based learning.

Keywords:home economics, primary education, gospodinjstvo, osnovnošolski pouk

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