The use of fossil fuels is one of the main reasons for increased concentracion of greenhouse gases and it has a negative impact on the enviroment, which is manifested for example through extreme weather, global warming, smog. The pollution of athmosphere represents a big problem, that is why it is required and advisable, to promote the use of fuels, which pollute less. The use of alternative fules, which are renewable, is advantageous beacuse reserves of fossil fuels are diminishing. In the future fossil fuels will not be available any more and the only solution is the use of alternitive fuels. One of those fuels is biodiesel. Biodiesel is a mixture of alkaline esthers of fatty acids, with similar physical and chemical properties as fossil diesel fuel. Emissones of greenhouse gases from biodiesel are lower compared to fossil diesel fuel. Dispate being cheaper and enviromantally friendlier, there is an ethical dillema to its use, beacuse raw material for its production are mainly edable oils. The dilemma is even the usage of large parts of argicultular areas fort he growing of crops intended for use in fuel production, which can jeopardize food production. With the aim of getting over this dillema, the scientist have begun to investigate the usage of lipids in algae as a raw material for the production of biodiesel.
In my diploma thesis we investigated synthesis of biodiesel out of lipids of algae in school chemistry laboratory. On the basis of operative learning goals for chemistry in grade school we consturcted a learning unit with instructions and working sheet for students. Analysis of selected workbooks on grade school vertical was conducted for the content area of fuel (biodiesel).