
Analiza socialnopedagoškega dela v razredu z uporabo tehnik čuječnosti
ID Barborič Vesel, Darja (Author), ID Rapuš Pavel, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4111/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo predstavi študijo primera obravnave učencev 4. razreda v redni osnovni šoli. Izbran je bil razred, ki ga učitelji opisujejo kot »nemirnega, glasnega«, razred, v katerem je zaradi vedenjske pojavnosti pri učencih težko učiti in v katerem je stopnja sporov med učenci po mnenju učiteljev izrazito visoka. Avtorica, socialna pedagoginja, je v obravnavi sodelovala kot del aktiva svetovalne službe, kot dodatna, občasna učiteljica, in sicer z namenom iskanja učinkovitega pedagoškega programa za preseganje izstopajočega vedenja. Vključila je metodo, način dela, ki izhaja iz prepoznanih potreb učencev po višji stopnji umirjenosti v razredu, ki bi omogočala šolsko delo in vzpostavljanje veščin za preseganje izstopajočega vedenja. Pedagoški program je temeljil na teoretskem spoznanju, da je vedenje otroka močno povezano in odvisno od stopnje možnosti njegove samoregulacije. Kot intervencijo, ki bi pri otrocih razvijala samoregulacijo, je socialna pedagoginja razvila in preizkusila pedagoški program »Žabice«, v katerem so bile uporabljene metode čuječnosti, prilagojene za starostno obdobje otrok. Izvedena analiza je raziskovala značilnosti in prepoznane učinkovitosti socialnopedagoške obravnave z metodami čuječnosti. Analizirane so bile priprave na intervencije, doživljanje in počutje obravnavanih otrok ter učinkovitost, ki jo zaznavajo učitelji in otroci na ravni vedenja in sodelovanja. Raziskava je izpostavila pomen upoštevanja otrokovih potreb in potreb socialnega prostora, doživljanja in delovanja otroka tako kot posameznika ter kot dela skupine, razreda. Celotna raziskava je temeljila na sodelovalnem odnosu v procesu socialnopedagoške obravnave. V raziskavi je bila uporabljena kvalitativna raziskovalna metoda, in sicer študija primera. Raziskava je potrdila vpliv socialnopedagoških intervencij, ki temeljijo na čuječnosti, na razvoju in povečanju samokontrole pri učencih. Rezultati so pokazali, da je večina učencev pri sebi zaznala, opazila večjo umirjenost ter zmožnost odloga reagiranja, predvsem v konfliktnih situacijah. Omenjeno spremembo so opazili tudi učitelji, ki poučujejo v razredu. Raziskava ni potrdila, da bi se hkrati s povečanjem samokontrole pri učencih zmanjšalo moteče vedenje v razredu kot celoti. Med izvajanjem pedagoškega programa, ki je omogočil natančen vpogled v dinamiko razreda in razredno klimo, je prišlo do spoznanja, da moteče vedenje ni toliko rezultat dogajanja med vsemi učenci, temveč je povezano s funkcioniranjem točno določenih učencev. Ti kažejo znake motečega vedenja, ki ga tudi sami opredeljujejo kot namerno. Tudi omenjeni učenci v konkretnih situacijah izkazujejo ustrezno stopnjo samokontrole, saj kadar želijo in se odločijo sodelovati, to svojo namero izpeljejo popolnoma ustrezno in konstruktivno. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da moteče vedenje v razredu ni bilo posledica pomanjkanja samokontrole, temveč drugih dejavnikov. Avtorica je raziskovalni proces sproti prilagajala situaciji ter prek procesa sodelovanja in vodenja razreda tako raziskovala možnosti uporabe socialnopedagoških intervencij, ki bi vplivale na povečanje sodelovalnega vedenja določenih učencev z znaki motečega vedenja. Ugotovitev raziskave je, da pedagoški program čuječnosti za otroke ni izkazal učinkovitosti pri preseganju motečega vedenja kot obliki razrednega delovanja. Na povečanje sodelovalnega vedenja učencev so vplivali sodelovanje avtorice raziskave pri delu v razredu, natančen vpogled v razredno klimo, sprotno iskanje okoliščinam primernih socialnopedagoških intervencij ter poglobljeno sodelovanje avtorice/izvajalke z učitelji. Pedagoški program čujenosti za učence tako izkazuje uspešnost v možnosti oblikovanja socialnopedagoških intervencij, ki temeljijo na osredotočenosti na potrebe otrok/učencev, v omogočanju »nešolskega« dela v razredu, vzpostavljanju komunikacijskih povezav med učitelji ter omogočanju zaznavanja in reflektiranja občutkov in opažanj pedagoškega delavca. Socialnopedagoške intervencije, oblikovane v procesu pedagoškega programa in namenjene regulaciji točno določenega motečega vedenja, so izkazale močan pozitivni vpliv na oblikovanje bolj sodelovalnega in konstruktivnega vedenja vseh učencev.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87055 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11317833 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the social pedagogical interventions in the classroom using the techniques of mindfulness
The Master thesis presents a qualitative research of the possibility of regulating the behaviour standing out among students from 4th grade in a regular primary school. The research was performed in a class, which is described by teachers as “restless and loud”, in which it is very hard to teach due to behavioural incidence and in which the level of fights among students according to the teachers is extremely high. The author, a social pedagogue, has cooperated in the trial as part of Support Services working group as an additional, occasional teacher, with the purpose of looking for an effective pedagogic program for surpassing the standing out behaviour. She included the method, the way of working, which stems from identified needs of students for a higher level of calmness in the classroom, which would enable school work and building skills to overcome the standing out behaviour. She designed a pedagogic program based upon methods and techniques of mindfulness for students and named it “Frogs”. The pedagogic program was based on theoretical knowledge that the behaviour of a student is strongly connected and dependant on the level of the possibility of their self-regulation. The research exposed the meaning of taking into account the student's needs and the needs of social space, experiencing and functioning of the student as an individual, as well as a part of the team, class. The entire research was based on collaborative relationship in the process of socio-pedagogic trial. Qualitative research method was used in the research. The effectiveness of the teaching program was tested on the level of perception of students, teachers who teach in the class and the perception of the author herself. For the purposes of the research, analysis of reflections of students, teachers and the author were used, as well as notes on observations of the teachers and the author, and various open-ended questionnaires for students and notes of group interviews. The research confirmed the influence of socio-pedagogic interventions, which are based on mindfulness, development and increase of self-control with students. The results have shown that the majority of students perceived or noted in themselves greater calmness and ability to delay reacting, especially in conflict situations. The mentioned change was noticed also by the teachers of that class. The research did not confirm that at the time of increased self-control in students, the disruptive behaviour in the class as a whole would decrease. During the implementation of the program which enabled a detailed insight into the dynamics of the class and its climate, there has been a realization that disruptive behaviour is not so much a result of the developments among all students, but is related to the functioning of specific students. These show signs of disruptive behaviour which they describe as intentional. Also the students mentioned in concrete situations reveal appropriate degree of self-control, because when they want and decide to work, their intention is carried our entirely appropriately and constructively. The research also found that disruptive behaviour in the classroom was not due to a lack of self-control, but other factors. The author of the research continuously adaptedto the situation and, through a process of cooperation and managing the class also explored the possibility of using socio-pedagogicinterventions, which would affect the increase of cooperative behaviour of certain students with symptoms of disruptive behaviour. The realization of the research is that the pedagogic program of mindfulness for students did not demonstrate efficacy in overcoming disruptive behaviour.The increase in cooperative behaviour of studentsis influenced by factors of cooperation by the author of the research through working in the classroom, an accurate view of the classroom climate, constant search for circumstance accurate socio-pedagogic interventions, and in-depth cooperation of the author/performer with the teachers. The pedagogic program of mindfulness for students thus demonstrates the effectiveness in the possibility of creating socio-pedagogic interventions, based on focusing on students’ needs in providing "non-school" work in the classroom, establishing communication links between teachers and facilitating detection and reflection of feelings and observations by the pedagogic worker. Socio-pedagogic interventions, designed in the process of pedagogic program and intended for regulation of particular disruptive behaviour have shown a strong positive influence on creating a more cooperative and constructive behaviour of all students.

Keywords:primary school

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