
Učenje računalništva brez računalnika v prvem triletju osnovne šole
ID Filipič, Andreja (Author), ID Demšar, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nančovska Šerbec, Irena (Comentor)

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V devetletni osnovni šoli se učenec že od prvega razreda srečuje z različnimi učnimi vsebinami, tipi nalog, načini reševanja nalog in problemov. Za svoje uspešno učenje potrebuje učitelja, ki ga bo spodbujal k samostojnejšemu učenju. Učenec pri svojem učenju uporablja različne vrste mišljenja. Eno izmed mišljenj, ki v zadnjem času pridobiva na veljavnosti, je tudi računalniško mišljenje. Z akcijsko raziskavo, ki sem jo izvedla v osnovni šoli v prvem triletju, in sicer v drugem razredu v oddelku podaljšanega bivanja med ustvarjalnim preživljanjem časa, želim ugotoviti, ali učenci ob izvajanih dejavnostih Računalništvo brez računalnika pridobijo znanje o delovanju računalnika vključno z računalniškim razmišljanjem. Na ta način bi učenci na igriv in aktiven način pridobivali računalniško znanje tudi v obliki dni dejavnosti, dodatnega pouka, delavnic, interesnih dejavnosti ter s pomočjo računalniškega razmišljanja reševali probleme v drugih kontekstih.

Keywords:osnovna šola
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87047 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11316553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Learning computer science in the first triad of primary schools without using computers
From the first grade onwards, pupils attending the nine-year school programme learn about different content, types of tasks and ways to solve tasks and problems. To be successful, they require teachers that will encourage independent learning. Pupils use different types of thinking when they learn and one of the types is computational thinking, which is rising to prominence. The purpose of the action research, which was conducted in a group of second grade pupils attending after-school classes and spending time creatively, was to determine whether the activities in the scope of the Computing without a computer programme can help children learn about the functioning of the computer and develop computational thinking. In this way, pupils could gain computer knowledge in a playful and active manner through activity days, additional classes, workshops, optional activities etc. In addition, computational thinking would help them solve problems in other contexts as well.

Keywords:primary school

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