
Stres in izgorelost pri zaposlenih v centrih za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo
ID Godec, Maja (Author), ID Jerman, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zadovoljstvo in dobro počutje zaposlenih je strateški cilj vsake delovne organizacije, saj doprinese k večji delovni učinkovitosti in posledično k večjemu zadovoljstvu uporabnikov storitev, ki jih delovna organizacija nudi. Stres postaja zelo velik problem delovnega sveta. Ne prizadene samo posameznika, zaposlenega v podjetju, ampak celotno organizacijo. Če je velika odsotnost z delovnega mesta, fluktuacija kadra, slabi medosebni odnosi, je dosežena nižja kakovost in slab zgled. Za preprečevanje stresa na delovnem mestu morajo biti v organizacijah pozorni na načrtovanje delovnega časa, zaposlenim morajo omogočiti sodelovanje pri odločitvah in ukrepih, ki so vezani na njihovo delovno mesto, delitev dela mora biti skladno z znanji in sposobnostmi posameznika. Dolžnosti delodajalcev pa so preprečiti stres v organizaciji, oceniti tveganje za nastanek stresa in s tem odkriti pritiske. Glavni cilj magistrskega dela je osvetliti splošno psihofizično stanje zaposlenih v centrih za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo za posledično boljše načrtovanje sprememb dela in delovnih pogojev za dobrobit uporabnikov z motnjami v duševnem razvoju in zaposlenih, ki delajo z njimi. Problem se nanaša na doživljanje stresa, stanje izgorelosti in delovno zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Pri raziskovalnem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna in kavzalna neeksperimentalna metoda. Uporabljen je kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. V vzorec je zajet varstveni in strokovni kader zaposlenih v centrih za usposabljanje, delo in varstvo. Preverjali smo, ali spol, starost in delovno mesto vplivajo na stanje izgorelosti, ali zaradi zaposlitve trpi družina in ali nam je družina v oporo pri obvladovanju stresa. Ugotovili smo, da ni razlike med spoloma pri doživljanju izgorelosti, da se pri mlajših zaposlenih kaže višja stopnja izgorelosti kot pri starejših, da je varstveni kader res manj zadovoljen s svojo delovno situacijo, ni pa tudi bolj izgorel. Zaradi službe ne trpi družina, družina pa pomaga pri obvladovanju stresa zaposlenih. Delo z osebami z motnjo v duševnem razvoju je precej obremenilen dejavnik, ki vpliva na počutje in razpoloženje zaposlenih. Zaposleni so velikokrat pod stresom oziroma čutijo izgorelost. Magistrsko delo je lahko izhodišče k zmanjšanju oziroma obvladovanju stresa zaposlenih in s tem se bo dvignilo zadovoljstvo tako zaposlenih kot uporabnikov.

Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-87009 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11309385 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Stress and burnout among employees in training, occupation and care centres
Employee satisfaction and well-being is surely every employer's important strategic aim, as it contributes greatly to a higher work efficiency and satisfaction among service users. Medical researches have proved that stress is one of the most substantial »working-class« diseases and its impact can be seen on the individual as well as collective level. The higher the sick leave, the lower the productivity, interpersonal relations, as well as product quality and reputation. In order to create a stress-free work environment the organisations need to plan their working time appropriately, enable their employees to take part in the decision making process and measures, the division of tasks should be in accordance with the experience and competence of the individual. It is the employer's duty to recognize the stress generators, evaluate risks which would generate stress and prevent it. The main aim of the thesis is to highlight the general psychophysical state of the employees in training, occupation and care centres to prepare a basis for a better planning of the work changes and working conditions, as to improve the well-being of the service users with mental disabilities and other employees. The problem refers to experiencing stress, the burnout syndrome and employee work satisfaction. The research uses the descriptive and causal non-experimental method with the quantitative research approach. The survey includes members in fields of custody and competent professional workers in training, occupation and care centres. The survey took a base on proposition that burnout is closely related to the employee's gender, age and work position, and whether unsatisfying working conditions have an impact on the family relations or the family relations minimize the stress effects. The survey has proved no deviations in gender in the exposure to the burnout syndrome, it has showed the younger interviewed members are more prone to being affected than the more experienced (senior) members. The employees are less satisfied with the working conditions as they are victims of the burnout syndrome. The family relations are not affected by the working conditions, the family members are more often helpful with the stress management of the employed. Final conclusion of the survey is that a professional career in the field of providing services / educational programs for people with special needs is stressful. Employees are often exposed to the »stress effects« or feel the »burnout« syndrome. The purpose of writing the master's thesis is to prepare a basis for an easier understanding and preventing »stress« situations by the active employees in Centres for People With Special Needs and with it increasing the satisfaction of the employed as well as the users.


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