
Joga in njen vpliv na vedenje otrok
ID Zabukovec, Maja (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem želela poudariti pomen sprostitev v našem življenju, ki je vedno bolj polno stresa in napetosti. Že zelo zgodaj se z njim srečujejo tudi otroci. Nemogoče je pričakovati, da lahko v današnjem času živimo popolnoma brez njega. Pomembno pa je, da se ga naučimo obvladovati. Da se z njim lažje soočimo, imamo na voljo veliko sprostitvenih tehnik. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opisala stres, njegove vplive na telo, vzroke zanj ter se posvetila stresu, ki ga doživljajo otroci. Zanimalo me je, kako ga prepoznamo pri njih. Odrasli sami iščemo rešitve in si poskušamo pomagati, otroci pa to še ne znajo in zato je pomembno, da prepoznamo znake, da jim lahko pomagamo. Sledi poglavje o sprostitvi. Predstavila sem pomen sproščanja, vrste sprostitev in zakaj je sprostitev pomembna za otroke. Nato sem se opisala jogo, ki je ena izmed tehnik sproščanja. Zanimala me je njena tisočletna zgodovina, asane, pranajame, meditacija in njene dobrobiti. V empiričnem delu sem se posvetila izvajanu joge za otroke in opazovala njen vpliv na vedenje otrok. Svoja opazovanja sem si sprotno zapisovala in jih nato strnila v analize. Opazila sem, da jogijski položaji, tehnike dihanja in sproščanje pozitivno vplivajo na počutje otrok. Otroci so zelo radi sodelovali pri dejavnostih, hkrati pa sem opazila, da so bili po izvajanju joge bolj umirjeni, sproščeni in osredotočeni. Človek ne more vedno vplivati na zunanje okolje, lahko pa obvladuje svoje telo, dihanje, misli in čustva.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86832 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11296841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Yoga and its impact on children's behaviour
In my thesis, I tried to explain the meaning of relaxation in our lives because of all the stress and tention we experience on every day basis. More often and at a very early stage, children also meet with stress. Nowadays, it is impossible to expect that we would be living without stress in our lives. It is important that we learn how to control stress. There are many different technics on how to control it. In the theoretical part, I described stress, its impact on human body, types and causes of stress and described how we can recognize it on kids. Adults are capable of finding solutions and help themselves, where children are not capable of doing that just yet and that is why it is very important that we help them. I continued describing the meaning of relaxation, types of relaxations and why relaxation is important for kids. Then I wrote about yoga, which is one of the relaxation technique. I wanted to know more about its old history, asanas, pranayamas, meditation and its wellbeing. In the empirical part, I researched how yoga effects the behaviour of children. I practised yoga with children and I wrote the analysis. I noticed that yoga positions, breathing techniques and relaxation have a positive effect on children’s wellbeing. They liked yoga and they became more calm, relaxed and focused. A human being can not always have the impact on the environment around him, but he can control his body, breathing, thoughts and emotions.


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