
Individualno svetovanje mladostnikom
ID Dular, Gregor (Author), ID Kobolt, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu predstavljam individualno svetovanje mladostnikom z vedenjskimi in čustvenimi težavami, ki se izvaja v okviru Društva Projekt človek. V teoretičnem delu orišem obdobje mladostništva kot izrazito prehodnega razvojnega obdobja, saj adolescent ni več otrok, hkrati pa še ni odrasli. Sledi predstavitev teoretičnih pogledov na družinski sistem ter njegove vloge pri razvoju mladostnika. V nadaljevanju predstavim svetovanje in se zaradi narave diplomskega dela osredinim na svetovanje v tem razvojnem obdobju. Teoretični del zaokrožim s predstavitvijo Društva Projekt človek in njegovega Programa za otroke in mladostnike, v katerem delam kot svetovalec. V empiričnem delu sem s kvalitativno analizo petih intervjujev bivših uporabnikov, ki so program uspešno končali, skušal pridobiti vpogled v njihovo doživljanje programa, razloge za vstop v program pa tudi v morebitne spremembe v njihovem življenju po programu. Ugotavljam, da se odtujitev mladostnika od okolice ne zgodi nenadoma, ampak postopoma, ter da je položaj takrat, ko se začnejo problemi intenzivno kazati na vedenjskem področju, že kritičen. V večini primerov gre za odtujevanje od družine predvsem zaradi neprimernega ali nikakršnega sporazumevanja, zaradi odsotnosti občutka smisla, ciljev in odgovornosti. To povzroča nerešena nasprotja, zaradi katerih se mladostniki ne znajo ali ne zmorejo spoprijeti z izzivi, ki jih prinaša odraščanje. Posledično pričnejo uživati psihoaktivne substance in pojavijo se težave v šoli, kar se zdi najpomembnejše opozorilo staršem. Ti prepoznajo rešitev v svetovalnem programu, a mladostniki vanj vstopajo večinoma neprostovoljno in to se kaže v njihovem začetnem odklonilnem stališču. Zid molka ali nedostopnosti se počasi razkraja, izboljšujejo se stiki znotraj družine in postavljajo se temelji za nadaljnje življenje. Program je bil od sobesednikov prepoznan kot kakovosten in uspešen ali – če citiram eno izmed intervjuvank: »Pač, rešil mi je življenje, in mojo družino in vse.«. V celotnem delu sem v besedilo umeščal tudi osebna videnja oz. odziv na teorijo glede na izkušnje, v zadnjem poglavju pa predstavljam celosten osebni pogled na to področje, tako v povezavi z delom kot z mojim doživljanjem.

Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86817 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11289161 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Individual counselling to adolescents
In my diploma thesis, I am representing individual counselling to adolescents with behavioral and emotional problems, which is being performed within the programme »The project man«. In the theoretical part I describe the adolescent perios as a developmental transition period in which an individual is no longer a child , however he is not an adult yet. Secondly I present an overview og the theoretical views as family systems; I especially focus on their roles during the development of an adolescent. I continue with the representation of counselling focusing on adolescent counselling. I complete the theoretical part with a detailed presentation of the programme »The project man« and its guidelines for children and adolescents; I am a part of this programme, working as a consultant. In the empirical part of this theses mymethod was a qualitative research with which I have analysed five interviews with former programme participants that have sucessfully completed the programme. The purpose of the research was to undestand their perspective on the programme and evaluate their experiences, what their reasons were to join the programme, and how they estimate the impact of the programme on their lives. The outcome od the research shows that the disaffection of the adolescent with the environment does not happen overnight, but rather gradually, and that the situation is already critical, when problems start to show on a behavioral level. Inappropriate or non-existing communication and the absence of a meaningful feeling, goals and responsabilities are the main reasons for conflicts preventing the adolescents to cope with the challenges that come with growing up. Consequently, adolescents start to use drugs and then problems at school start; this seems to be the biggest warning for parents. Parents see a solution in the programme, but adolescents usually have a negative opinion about it and do not join with a positive attitude. With perseverance, patience and active listening, the »wall of silence« is slowly getting thinner, family relations are improving, and the fundaments for a better future are being bulit. The research has shown that the programme has been recognized as good and successful by the 5 interviewers. Or as one former user said: »The programme has saved my life, my family and everything else«. I included mypersonal feedback and views on the theoretical part based on my experiences, as well as on the entire filed of the last chapter.


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