
Sindrom izgorevanja pri zaposlenih v zavodih za varstvo in usposabljanje : diplomsko delo
ID Zorec, Vanda (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Jerman, Janez (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4031/ This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo obravnava prisotnost sindroma izgorevanja pri zaposlenih v zavodih za varstvo in usposabljanje. Za sindrom izgorevanja je značilna čustvena izčrpanost, depersonalizacija in znižana osebna izpopolnitev. Pojavlja se predvsem v poklicih dela z ljudmi. V nalogi smo opisali stres, vzroke za nastanek stresa in kako je dolgotrajni poklicni stres povezan s sindromom izgorevanja. Opisali smo sindrom izgorevanja in njegove komponente. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti, ali je pri zaposlenih v zavodih za varstvo in usposabljanje prisotno izgorevanje. Vzorec je zajemal 104 zaposlene. Uporabili smo vprašalnik Maslach Burnout inventory (MBI), ki je standardiziran vprašalnik za ugotavljanje prisotnosti izgorevanja. S statistično obdelavo podatkov smo iz vzorca ugotovili prisotnost sindroma izgorevanja. Najmočneje izražena komponenta sindroma izgorevanja je čustvena izčrpanost, nekoliko šibkeje pa sta bili izraženi depersonalizacija in osebna izpopolnitev. Pri posameznih komponentah sindroma izgorevanja so bile ugotovljene statistično pomembne razlike med spoloma, pri stopnji izobrazbe zaposlenih, med starostnimi skupinami zaposlenih, pri delovni dobi, količini tedenskih ur dela z varovanci ter pri številu ur priprav na delo. Med vrstami delovnih mest ni bilo ugotovljenih statistično pomembnih razlik, prav tako ne med skupinami zaposlenih glede na starostno populacijo varovancev, s katerimi delajo. Ugotovljene so bile statistično pomembne razlike v doživljanju izgorelosti med zaposlenimi, ki uporabljajo sprostitvene tehnike in tistimi, ki jih ne. Preučeni so bili tudi ukrepi za preprečevanje in zmanjševanje sindroma izgorevanja. Predlagana je bila izvedba raziskave o virih izgorevanja v posameznih zavodih, ter uvedba sistemskih oziroma organizacijskih ukrepov. Pri zaposlenih z ugotovljeno prisotnostjo izgorelosti naj se ustrezni ukrepi določijo s pomočjo psihoterapevtskih obravnav.

Keywords:stres, zavodi za varstvo in usposabljanje oseb s posebnimi potrebami, čustvena izčrpanost, depersonalizacija, osebna izpopolnitev, sprostitvene tehnike
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[V. Zorec]
Number of pages:95 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86805 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11282249 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Burnout syndrome among professionals employed in institutions for people with special needs
This thesis discusses the presence of burnout syndrome among professionals employed in institutions for people with special needs. Burnout syndrome is characterised by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. It commonly affects employees in people-oriented occupations. The thesis initially characterises stress, causes of stress and the relationship between long-term job stress and burnout syndrome. Burnout syndrome and its components are then described. The primary purpose of this study is to determine whether burnout syndrome is present among professionals employed in institutions for people with special needs. The sample consisted of 104 employees. To establish the presence of burnout syndrome we used the Maslach Burnout inventory (MBI), which is a standardised questionnaire for evaluating the presence of burnout syndrome. Burnout syndrome prevalence was established through the statistical analysis of data from the sample. The core component of burnout syndrome is emotional exhaustion, while depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment are described as additional components. Statistical analysis of these components has found significant differences by gender, education level, age groups, length of employment, the weekly number of hours working with people in their care and hours spent preparing for work. No statistically significant differences were found between different positions of employment or between groups of employees in terms of their patients’ age structure. Finally, the study found statistically significant differences in perception of burnout syndrome between employees who use relaxations techniques and those who do not. Additionally, the thesis studies measures to prevent and reduce burnout syndrome. It recommends the conduct of a survey on the sources of burnout syndrome in individual institutions and the implementation of systemic or organisational measures at the institution level. Finally, psychotherapeutic studies should be conducted to determine suitable measures for employees suffering from burnout syndrome.

Keywords:mental stress, training centre, duševni stres, center za usposabljanje

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