
Učinkovitost učenja prostorske geometrije s 3D računalniškimi programi
ID Roblek, Manca (Author), ID Magajna, Zlatan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu opredeljujem prostorsko predstavo kot sposobnost premikanja, ustvarjanja in ohranjanja zgrajenih podob. Natančneje obravnavam tri elemente prostorske predstave, in sicer: prostorsko vizualizacijo, prostorske relacije ter miselne rotacije. V osnovni šoli je prostorska predstava posebej pomembna pri obravnavi prostorske geometrij; praviloma si tu učenci pomagajo z raznovrstnimi modeli teles. Računalniški programi za prostorsko geometrijo v osnovno šolo še niso dobro vpeljani. Kot primer tovrstnega načina obravnave je v delu predstavljena Gutierrezova metoda, ki sestoji iz treh korakov: rokovanja s konkretnimi objekti, manipulacije teles na računalniškem zaslonu ter branja in risanja skic na papir. Dokazano je, da računalniški programi za prostorsko geometrijo spodbujajo motivacijo učencev za učenje. Računalniške skice so vedno natančne in zato pripravne za raziskovanje, učenci lahko po različnih poteh dosežejo rešitve problema. V okviru magistrskega dela sem tudi raziskala, v kolikšni meri si devetošolci pri reševanju prostorskih problemov znajo pomagati s skico, fizičnim modelom ter računalniškim modelom. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 23 učencev devetih razredov osnovne šole, razdeljenih v dve skupini. V prvi skupini so imeli učenci pri obravnavi piramid na voljo le fizične modele teles, v drugi skupini pa so imeli poleg fizičnih modelov na voljo tudi računalniške modele v programu SketchUp. Izkazalo se je, da med skupinama v uspešnosti reševanja nalog prostorske geometrije ni bilo statistično pomembne razlike. Prav tako se niso pojavile razlike med spoloma učencev ter skupinama učencev glede na učni uspeh. Pri pouku je bila veliko aktivnejša skupina učencev, ki je uporabljala SketchUp. Ti učenci so bili za delo zelo motivirani, na zastavljena vprašanja so vedno odgovarjali, prav tako so tudi sami zastavili veliko vprašanj. Posebej zanimivo je bilo učencem raziskovati prereze s pomočjo SketchUpa.

Keywords:prostorska predstava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86758 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11268681 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The effectivnes of learning spatial geometry with 3D geometry software
In the thesis spatial ability is considered as the ability to manipulate, generate and retain well-structured visual images. Three elements of spatial ability are presented in detail: spatial visualization, spatial relations and mental rotations. Spatial ability plays an important role in school mathe- matics when students learn about space geometry. Students use different manipulatives to help them through studying. Computer programs for spa- tial geometry are not yet introduced into learning process. As an example, Gutierrez method is described in the thesis. It consists of three steps: ma- nipulation of real objects, manipulation of 3-dimensional representation on a computer screen, and reading or drawing plane representations on paper. It is proved that computer programs for spatial geometry increase students motivation for learning, also computer diagrams are always precise and terms convenient for exploration. Students can also explore different ways to get the solution. The aim of my pilot research is to investigate how much the ninth grade students rely on diagrams, real objects and computer models when dealing with spatial geometry problems. 23 ninth grade students, divided in two groups, participated in the research. Students in the first group only used real objects during learning about pyramids, whereas in the second group, students had next to real objects also available computer models made in program SketchUp. As a result no significant difference was obtained between the achivements of both groups in solving spatial geometry problems. Also, there was no significant influence of sex or grade in mathematics. During the learning process students who used program SketchUp were more active than others. They were motivated for work, they always answered questions and they also asked more questions during class. They especially enjoyed exploring plane sections with SketchUp.

Keywords:spatial skill

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