
Difuzno obremenjevanje hidrosfere s fosforjem in dušikom s kmetijskih površin v Krajinskem parku Goričko : doktorska disertacija
ID Ilić, Darijo (Author), ID Panjan, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Zagorc-Končan, Jana (Comentor)

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MD5: 63466CF7CF9E9D285DBFCC48D3D5B205
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cb977174-2d07-48d5-acd6-19fdd886fb37

Obravnavan je vpliv razpršenih in točkovnih virov na obremenjevanje hidrosfere s spojinami dušika in fosforja na raziskovalnem območju Krajinskega parka Goričko. Le-to smo razdelili na tri dele: porečja Ledave, Velike Krke in Kobiljskega potoka. Na ta način smo lahko izvedli primerjalno analizo znotraj Krajinskega parka Goričko, med tremi podobmočji. V okviru metodološkega raziskovanja smo ugotovili, da so v primerjavi strukture rabe zemljišč med temi tremi območji določene razlike. V okviru raziskave smo z monitoringom vodotokov raziskali kemijsko stanje površinskih tekočih voda na območju Krajinskega parka Goričko. Za vsa tri podobmočja so značilne povišane koncentracije dušikovih in fosforjevih spojin v vodi. Prisotnost dušikovih in fosforjevih spojin je posledica neurejenih gnojničnih jam na živinorejskih obratih, neurejene kanalizacijske infrastrukture in izpiranja dušikovih in fosforjevih spojin s kmetijskih površin. Signifikanten vir dušikovih spojin je tudi gozd. Izračunano razmerje Ncelotni/Pcelotni je na vzorčevalnih mestih različno in je v mejah od 2 do 12. Z metodo, ki temelji na bilančnem pristopu, smo kot glavni vir dušikovih in fosforjevih spojin določili neposredne izpuste iz živinorejskih obratov v odvodnike. Rezultati metode za ekološko karakterizacijo kažejo še na posredni vpliv reliefa in naklona na hidrosfero. Povprečno breme onesnaženja (kg/ha) je v enem letu večje v podobmočju Kobiljskega potoka, kjer je delež kmetijskih površin v uporabi, namenjenih njivam in vrtovom največji.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, disertacije, spojine dušika, spojine fosforja, Krajinski park Goričko, porečje Ledave, porečje Velike Krke, porečje Kobiljskega potoka, ekološka karakterizacija
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Ilić]
Number of pages:XVIII, 140 str., pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86754 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7597665 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.10.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Diffuse pollution of the hydrosphere with phosphorus and nitrogen originating from farming land in the Goričko Landscape Park
The present doctoral research describes the impact of diffuse and point sources on the pollution of the hydrosphere with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the Goričko Landscape Park research area. The Goričko Landscape Park research area was divided into three parts: the River Basin of the Ledava, Velika Krka rivers, and the Kobilje Creek. In this manner, we were able to perform a comparative analysis inside the Landscape Park and in three sub-areas. In the scope of the methodological research we established that the comparison of the structure of use of the land among these three areas revealed certain differences. In the scope of the research we performed the monitoring of the liquid hydrosphere and researched the chemical status of the surface flowing water in the Goričko Landscape Park area. Within all three sub-areas significantly higher concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds were found in the water. The presence of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds is the result of unregulated slurry pits in livestock farming facilities, an unregulated sewerage infrastructure and the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the farming land. The forest is another significant source of nitrogen compounds. The calculated ratio Ntotal/Ptotal differs in different sampling points and ranges between 2 and 12. Using this method based on the balance approach we determined direct emissions from the livestock facilities into drains as the main source of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. The results of the method for ecological characterization show the indirect impact of the terrain and slope on the hydrosphere. The average pollution burden (kg/ha) in one year was higher in the sub-area of the Kobilje Creek, where the share of farming land used for arable land and gardens was the highest.

Keywords:civil engineering, thesis, nitrogen compounds, phosphorus compounds, Goričko Landscape Park, Lendava, Velika Krka River Basin, Kobiljski potok River Basin, ecological characterization

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