
Tehniška skica na razredni stopnji devetletne osnovne šole : diplomsko delo
ID Potrebuješ Simonič, Mateja (Author), ID Jamšek, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Slika lahko vsebuje nešteto podatkov, ki so prikazani brez uporabe besed. Z njo se srečujemo od ranega otroštva in skupaj z odraščanjem se poglablja tudi naše znanje, ki je potrebno za razumevanje sporočilnosti slik. Vsem je znana umetniška slika, vendar se vse pogosteje srečujemo s tehniško sliko, z njeno najosnovnejšo obliko – skico, največkrat ne da bi se sploh tega zavedali. Razumevanje tehniške slike in razumevnje njene vsebine, nam je lahko v veliko pomoč v vsakdanjem življenju. Učenci se s tehniško sliko srečajo že v osnovni šoli, tudi na razrednji stopnji. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, na kakšen način in v kolikšni meri se tehniška skica pojavlja v posameznih razredih razredne stopnje. Pregled je zajemal strokovno literaturo tehniškega risanja, vse učbenike in delovne zvezke učnih predmetov spoznavanje okolja ter naravoslovja in tehnike. Pregledali smo tudi učna načrta učnih predmetov spoznavanje okolja ter naravoslovja in tehnike. Ugotovili smo, da učna načrta predvidevata spoznavanje in uporabo tehniške dokumentacije v tretjem, četrtem in petem razredu. V učbeniških gradivih smo iskali različne načine podajanja tehniške skice in ugotovili, da je pojavljanje skice prej izjema kot pravilo in jo najpogosteje nadomeščata ilustracija in fotografija. Zaradi razumevanja zmožnosti tehniškega risanja učencev na razredni stopnji, smo preučili literaturo o intelektualnem razvoju otrok. V delu predlagamo način postopnega uvajanja tehniškega risanja, od risanja ravnih črt v prvem razredu, za namen tvorjenja osnutka enostavnih predmetov. V drugem razredu nadaljujemo z risanjem krivih črt in oboje združimo za risanje bolj zahtevnih oziroma realnih osnutkov predmetov v tretjem razredu. V četrtem razredu predlagamo risanje skice, s katero nadaljujemo tudi v petem razredu.

Keywords:tehnika in tehnologija, razredni pouk
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[M. Potrebuješ Simonič]
Number of pages:IV, 50 str., XVI
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86601 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11244873 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Tehnical sketch drawing in the elementary school
A picture may contain countless information presented without the use of words. We encounter it from our childhood onward and our ability to understand picture messages develops hand in hand with our maturity. Everyone is familiar with an artistic painting, but we more and more frequently encounter the technical sketch drawing, with its most basic form – the sketch, often without even being aware of it. The ability to understand a technical sketch drawing and its content can be of great help to us in our daily lives. Students get to know it in the elementary school, even on grade level. Thesis attempts to establish in what way and how much the technical sketch drawing occurs in individual classes and grades. The overview encompassed expert literature of technical sketch drawing, all textbooks, worksheets of individual science and technical classes. It was discovered that the teaching curriculums expect the usage and learning of technical documentation in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. In textbook materials we searched for different ways of creating a sketch drawing and have asserted that the appearance of a sketch drawing is more an exception than the rule and is most commonly replaced by an illustration or a photo. In order to understand the comprehension abilities of technical drawing of elementary grade level students we studied the literature on the intellectual development of children. We recommend a gradual implementation of technical drawing, from drawing straight lines in first grade for the purposes of creating a draft of simple objects. In second grade we continue with drawing curved lines and combine both for the purposes of drawing more demanding or realistic drafts of 3rd grade objects. In 4th grade we suggest the drawing of a sketch, with which we continue in the 5th grade.

Keywords:engineering, technical education, primary education, tehnika, tehniško izobraževanje, osnovnošolski pouk

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