
Izobraževanje nadarjenih učencev z vidika sodobnih didaktičnih teorij : doktorska disertacija
ID Pangrčič, Polonca (Author), ID Blažič, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/3966 This link opens in a new window

V nalogi smo proučevali značilnosti institucionalnega izobraževanja nadarjenih učencev. Sestavljena je iz teoretičnega in iz empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo ob krajšem zgodovinskem pregledu, obravnavali opredelitev in značilnosti nadarjenosti ter talentiranosti. Oba termina smo osvetlili z različnih vsebinskih zornih kotov, ob tem pa prikazali, kako ju v vednostni sistem umeščajo različni znanstveniki in teorije. Sledil je teoretični oris razvoja kurikulumov za nadarjene učence. Dotaknili smo se problematike didaktike in kurikularnih teorij ter tako razjasnili nekatere dileme, ki se pojavljajo ob teh terminih. Nato smo prikazali teoretični pregled nekaterih najbolj prepoznavnih in uporabnih svetovnih kurikularnih modelov za poučevanje nadarjenih učencev v šoli. Ob koncu teoretičnega dela smo podrobneje prikazali stanje na področju razvijanja nadarjenosti v Sloveniji: od zakonodaje do Koncepta za razvijanje nadarjenosti in talentiranosti, ki temelji, kot smo ugotovili, na zastareli definiciji nadarjenosti. Izpostavili smo tudi nekaj didaktičnih strategij in jih osvetlili s paradigmatskega vidika. Te strategije učitelji lahko uporabljajo pri pouku, obenem pa vzpodbujajo kognitivne in psihomotorične procese nadarjenih in talentiranih učencev. V empiričnem delu smo raziskovali obstoječe stanje na področju poučevanja nadarjenih učencev ter stališča učiteljev in koordinatorjev do nadarjenih učencev v naših šolah. Zanimalo nas je, kaj vpliva na odnos učiteljev in koordinatorjev, ki so 'skrbniki' nadarjenih učencev na šolah, do nadarjenih učencev. Raziskali smo, kaj in kako delajo z nadarjenimi učenci na slovenskih šolah ter kaj vse vpliva na to. Poglobili smo se v odnos učiteljev do lastne usposobljenosti za delo z nadarjenimi učenci in ali se na tem področju tudi dodatno strokovno izobražujejo. Intervjuvali smo tudi identificirane nadarjene učence šole, kjer smo z akcijsko raziskavo uvajali novost – participatorni individualiziran program za nadarjenega učenca. Podatke smo pridobili s kombinacijo kvantitativnega in akcijskega raziskovanja. Izvedli smo raziskavo, kjer je v anketi sodelovalo 207 učiteljev iz 49 slovenskih osnovnih šol. Podatke smo obdelali z deskriptivno in multivariatno metodo. Izvedli smo dva časovno ločena intervjuja, med katerima sta minili dve leti. V prvem je sodelovalo 35 učencev, v drugem pa 34. Pri drugem intervjuju je sodelovalo 20 istih učencev kot pri prvem, kar je 60 % celotnega vzorca. Z raziskavo smo na podlagi oblikovanih kriterijev proučevali edukacijo nadarjene populacije v šolah ter ugotavljali morebitne razlike glede na različne kriterije. Zanimala nas je tudi latentna struktura odnosa koordinatorjev in učiteljev do nadarjenih. Prav tako nas je zanimalo, ali uporaba različnih oblik, metod ali strategij ter dodatnega strokovnega izobraževanja korelira s samooceno usposobljenosti učiteljev za delo z nadarjenimi. Ugotavljali smo tudi razlike v zadovoljstvu z obstoječim sistemom skrbi za nadarjene učence med učitelji in koordinatorji. V akcijskem delu raziskave smo analizirali odnos učencev do individualiziranega programa, ob tem pa ugotavljali, ali se bo stanje po vpeljavi novih programov izboljšalo. Izvedli smo prvo raziskavo stanja in odnosa do nadarjenih učencev na slovenskih šolah, od vpeljave Koncepta Odkrivanje in delo z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni OŠ, leta 1999. Nekatere ugotovitve lahko posplošimo na celotno populacijo. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov in spoznanj smo opozorili na 'podhranjenost' nadarjenih učencev in učiteljev v šolah ter nakazali smernice za izboljšanje obstoječe prakse. Z vpeljavo participatornega individualiziranega načrta, ki smo ga zasnovali vzporedno z razvojem doktorske naloge, smo dokazali, da je ta izboljšava v prakso vnesla izredno pozitivne učinke in kar je najpomembnejše – nadarjenim učencem je dala novo motivacijo in usmeritev za lasten razvoj in napredek.

Keywords:učitelji, poučevanje, kurikulumi za nadarjene, kurikularni modeli, individualiziran program
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[P. Pangrčič]
Number of pages:VIII, 272 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86595 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11254601 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Gifted student education in the light of contemporary didactic theories
This doctoral dissertation we studied the characteristics of the institutional education of gifted pupils. It consists of theoretical and empirical work. The theoretical part through shorter historical lighting, discussed the definition and characteristics of giftedness and talent. Both terms have been discussed with the different substantive perspectives, while we show how they form part of a science system illuminated by different scientists and theories. This was followed by a theoretical outline of the development of curricula for gifted pupils. We have touched upon the problems of didactics and curricular theories and to clarify some of the dilemmas that occur at these terms. Then we presented a theoretical overview of some of the most recognizable and useful world curriculum designs for gifted education. At the end of the theoretical part, we demonstrated the state on field of development of talent in Slovenia: from legislation to the concept of developing giftedness and talent (Koncept za razvijanje nadarjenosti in talentiranosti), as we find out, based on the fair outdated definition of giftedness. We highlighted some teaching strategies from the paradigmatic point of view. Teachers can use these strategies in class and at the same time stimulate cognitive and psychomotor processes of gifted and talented pupils. In the empirical part, we presented a study in which we want to examine the situation and the views of teachers and coordinators of gifted pupils in our schools. We were interested in what affects the relationship of teachers and coordinators who are 'guardians' of gifted pupils at schools, to gifted pupils. We have explored what and how teachers work with gifted children in Slovenian schools, and what is the impact of that work. We were very interested in the relationship of teachers to their own teaching skills for work with gifted pupils and if they conduct any additional professional training in this area. We interviewed also identified gifted pupils of the school where the action research was introduced as a novelty - participatory individualized plan for gifted pupil. Data were collected through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research - triangulation. We carried out a study, which surveyed 207 teachers participated from 49 Slovenian elementary schools. Data was analyzed with descriptive and multivariate method. We conducted two interviews in the time of two years. In the first attended 35 students and in the second interview 34. 20 pupils that attended the second interview were the same as in the first one. This is 60% of total sample. The survey was designed on the basis of criteria which like to consider the education of gifted population in schools and to identify any differences according to different criteria. It also wanted to establish the latent structure of attitudes coordinators and teachers of the gifted. Also, we wanted to know whether the use of different forms, methods, or strategies and additional professional education correlates with self-assessment skills of teachers to work with the gifted. We also determined differences in satisfaction with the existing system of care for gifted children among teachers and coordinators. In the qualitative part of the research we studied pupils' attitudes towards an individualized program, while we tried to determine if the situation following the introduction of new programs, improved. We performed the first survey of the situation and attitudes towards gifted children in Slovenian schools, since the introduction of the concept Odkrivanje in delo z nadarjenimi učenci v devetletni OŠ, 1999, which some of the findings can be generalized to the whole population. Based on the results obtained and the lessons we drew attention to 'malnutrition' of the gifted pupils and teachers in schools and indicated guidelines for improving existing practices. With the introduction of participatory individualized plan, which was designed in parallel with the development of a doctoral thesis, we have shown that this improvement in practice introduced extremely positive effects, and most importantly - it has given a new motivation and direction for development and progress to gifted and talented pupils.

Keywords:gifted, education, didactics, nadarjeni, vzgoja in izobraževanje, didaktika

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