
Projekt nakupovalnega centra : diplomska naloga
ID Veškovo, Andrej (Author), ID Može, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A576DAD4FE597B1C73275BE56F013FDE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f82b7ee4-8959-49ef-837f-0bf71d4761da
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MD5: 43E3C04532283CF5092314E7B8827059
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/af7ffcf3-051c-443d-b6a8-3a71f9244e0f

Projekt nakupovalnega centra v Ljubljani obsega tehnično poročilo, zasnovo konstrukcije, obtežbe, računski model nosilnih konstrukcij, dimenzioniranje v mejnem stanju nosilnosti in uporabnosti, potresnem projektnem stanju, dimenzioniranje tipičnih spojev ter pozicijske načrte in skice spojev. Jeklena konstrukcija prenaša horizontalne obremenitve v obeh smereh z ekscentričnimi povezji. Stropna konstrukcija je sovprežna. Sekundarni nosilci se členkasto spajajo s primarnimi nosilci, ki prenašajo obtežbo dalje do stebrov. V programu Scia Engineer se opravi računski model povezja, kjer iz notranjih sil in pomikov dimenzioniramo profile. V strižnih členih se disipira potresna energija, ostale elemente (preostali deli prečk, diagonale, stebri) povezja pa moramo načrtovati po principu projektiranja nosilnosti. Projektirali smo v skladu z Evrokod standardi 1 (vplivi na konstrukcije), 3 (jeklene konstrukcije), 4 (sovprežne konstrukcije) in 8 (potresno odporne konstrukcije).

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, UNI, gradbene konstrukcije, jeklene konstrukcije, sovprežna plošča
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Veškovo]
Number of pages:X, 40 str., 13 pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86547 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7848289 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Design of shopping centre
The design of the shopping center in Ljubljana includes technical report, conceptual design, load actions, global analysis, design in the ultimate limit state (ULS), in the serviceability limit state (SLS) and in the seismic design state, position plans of the structure and the connections. The steel frame with the eccentric bracing carries horizontal loads in both directions. The composite slab is used for the inter-storey structure. Secondary beams are connected to the primary beams by hinge connections. The global analysis was performed in a computer program Scia Engineer. The internal forces and displacements as calculated were used for the design of the frames. The seismic links are designed to dissipate seismic energy. Other elements in a frame like columns and diagonals are designed with the principle of the capacity design. The structure was designed in accordance with Eurocode Standards 1 (actions on structures), 3 (steel structures), 4 (composite structures) and 8 (earthquake resistant structures).

Keywords:civil engineering, steel structures, composite steel-concrete slab

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