
Biomehanska analiza simetrije teka na instrumentalizirani tekalni stezi
ID VOŽIČ, ANDREJ (Author), ID Kamnik, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: E26616FAC0887B82E1354277BD0B0D5E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1d882311-b4aa-4b8d-9687-c82364609bea

Hoja in tek sta najosnovnejši in najbolj pogosti obliki gibanja pri ljudeh in pomenita premik od ene točke do druge. Prav tako predstavljata ena izmed najbolj kompleksnih vsakdanjih opravil, pri katerem se ob aktivaciji mišic, potrebnih za gibanje, aktivirajo tudi stabilizatorji trupa, ki skrbijo za vzravnano držo med gibanjem. Na prvi pogled človeško telo izgleda bilateralno simetrično, ko pa pogledamo bolj natančno, naletimo na opazne razlike, ki kažejo na nesimetrijo človeškega telesa. Ta nesimetrija človeškega telesa se kaže tudi v oblikah gibanja, ki navzven izgledajo simetrično. Analiza merjenja gibanja ima dolgo zgodovino, a s pojavom instrumentaliziranih tekalnih stez in snemanjem kinematike gibanja so te raziskave postale bolj natančne in enostavnejše za izvedbo. Namen diplomske naloge je primerjava reakcijskih sil podlage med bosonogim tekom in tekom v supergah pri različnih hitrostih teka, izračun indeksov simetrije in nesimetrije silami podlage in pokazati, da obutev ali hitrost teka ne vpliva na simetrijo oziroma nesimetrijo in njeno velikost med tekom.

Keywords:tek, instrumentalizirana tekalna steza, simetrija, nesimetrija, bosonogi tek, tek v supergah
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86443 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.10.2016
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Title:Biomechanical analysis of symmetry of running on the instrumented treadmill
Walking and running are the most basic and also most common forms of human movement from one point to another. Walking and running are also one of the most complex everyday tasks in which the required muscles for movement also trigger torso stabilizers for upright posture during movement. From a superficial point of view, the human body has a bilaterally symmetrical shape, but examined more precisely, we find noticeable differences that indicate human body asymmetry. This asymmetry of the human body is also mirrored in the form of movement, which externally appears symmetrical. Analysis and measurement of the gait cycle has an extensive history, but with the emergence of instrumented treadmills and recording of movement kinematics, these studies have become more precise and simpler to execute. The purpose of this thesis is the comparison of the reaction ground forces between barefoot and shoe running at different speeds, calculating indices of symmetry and asymmetry based on ground reaction forces and to show that shoes or running speed does not affect the side or size of symmetry or asymmetry between legs.

Keywords:gait cycle, instrumented treadmill, symmetry, running, asymmetry, barefoot running, shoe running

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