In my work I focused on the developement of bed, from the simplest forms of beds in prehistory to the present day beds. In prehistory, people lived in small groups, that migrated a lot, therefore the beds were only temporary and they didn't pay special attentions to them. They lived, slept in caves, treetops and dens.
With the evolution of man to the homo sapiens level, began the construction of dwellings made from stone and wood. The first dwellings were very simple intended for cooking, dwelling and sleeping.
Today the situation is significantly different. Dwellings are bigger, more solid and architecturally more complex. Beds todey are entirely different as well. Instead of straw and animal skin, we have a lot of types of beds at our disposal: water beds, matresses from various kinds of foam, combined beds, bunk beds.
I have also researched the developement of beds on the Slovenian territory from the 17th century onward. The first bedsteads were firstly mentioned on farms. These were ordinary or better beds with blankets and pillows.
The main focus in my research was the developement of beds through time. With the evolution of man and technological progress, beds changed significantly. With a questionnaire I recieved the information on what a bed means to a man, what kind of beds, matresses and bedding the responders most frequently use.
The data I collected are shown in the tables and graphically.