
Razvoj knjižne ilustracije in avtorska slikanica : diplomsko delo
ID Kavzar, Nina (Author), ID Huzjan, Zdenko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3908/ This link opens in a new window

Knjižna ilustracija in slikanica, kot posebna zvrst knjige, zavzema na likovnem področju posebno mesto. Diplomsko delo obsega raziskavo razvoja in vlogo ilustracije v Sloveniji. Pri raziskavi me je zanimalo predvsem področje slikanice, njena opredelitev, katere tipe slikanice poznamo, njene posebnosti in zakonitosti. V zgodovinskem pregledu razvoja knjižne ilustracije sem se osredotočila na obdobje od reformacije do povojnega obdobja, posebno poglavje pa namenila tudi sodobni slovenski ilustraciji in bienalu ilustracije. Ilustracija kot vizualno sporočilo najpogosteje posreduje informacije v sodelovanju z besedilom in ravno slikanica je po navadi otrokov prvi stik z likovnim in bralnim svetom, preko katerega razvija svoje intelektualne in druge sposobnosti. Tamu primerno sem raziskovala recepcijo in dojemanje slikanice pri odraščajočem otroku. V pedagoškem delu diplomske naloge sem analizirala likovne izdelke otrok, ki so nastali v okviru učne ure, ki sem jo izvedla v drugem razredu devetletke. Za izvedbo šolske ure v prvi triadi sem se odločila zato, ker se v tem obdobju učenci šele dobro spoznavajo z veščino pisanja in branja. Ker je slikanica kombinacija vizualne in verbalne ravni komunikacije, me je zanimalo predvsem na kateri ravni bodo učenci upodobili temeljne elemente zgodbe. Zvrst slikanice, kjer sta avtor besedila in ilustracij ista oseba, imenujemo avtorska slikanica. Ker sem se že od nekdaj želela preizkusiti v tej vlogi, sem si za nalogo praktičnega dela izbrala prav avtorsko slikanico. Napisala in ilustrirala sem zgodbo Mačka Ljudmila, skozi katero sem poskušala izraziti pridobljeno znanje o sestavi in zakonitostih slikanice, predvsem odnosu likovnega jezika in besedila.

Keywords:knjižna ilustracija, verbalno-vizualna komunikacija, avtorska slikanica
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[N. Kavzar]
Number of pages:102 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86369 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11214153 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The development of book illustration and original picture book
The illustration of books and a picture book- as a special kind of book- takes up a special place within the visual art. The thesis work researches the development of book illustration and its role in Slovenia. In the study, I am mainly interested in the picture book, its definitions, types, specifics and regulations. The focus of the historical overview of the development of book illustration is the period from the Reformation to the Post-War Era, whereas a separate chapter is dedicated to the period of the modern Slovenian illustration and to the Biennial of Illustration. Illustration as a visual message most often transmits the information in cooperation with the text whereas a picture book is usually a child's first contact with the world of art and reading. Trough it she or he develops the intellectual skills as well as all other. This is the reason why I interest myself in the reception and perception of a picture book among young children. The educative part of the thesis work analyses children’s' art work, made as a part of the lesson, which I conducted in the second grade of a primary school. I chose this particular grade because it is during this period that the children are only learning to really adopt their reading and writing skills. Since a picture book is a combination of a visual and verbal communication, I was mostly interested in the level at which the students will depict the basic elements of the story. The genre of a picture book, where the author of the text and its illustrations are the same person, is defined as an original picture book. Since I have always wanted to be an author of such work, I chose this particular genre to be the focus of the practical part of the thesis. I wrote and illustrated the story of The Ljudmila Cat through which I materialized the knowledge of the composition and the laws of a picture book, especially the relationship between the visual language and text.

Keywords:illustration, picture book, ilustracija, slikanica

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