
Socialnopedagoška obravnava izstopajočega in konfliktnega vedenja med poukom z vidika samouravnalnih sistemov
ID Hartman, Boris (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3899/ This link opens in a new window

Izstopajoče in konfliktno vedenje učencev v slovenski šoli je še vedno pogost pojav. Učitelji ga navadno zaznavajo kot neprimerno, neustrezno, oviralno, konfliktno, nasilno vedenje. Deležno je različnih bolj ali manj subjektivnih represivnih ukrepov učiteljev (razrednikov) in/ali vodstva šol. Ukrepi so praviloma usmerjeni v učenca in navadno ne dosegajo željenih rezultatov. Socialnopedagoška obravnava zajema celostno kontekstualno pomoč za reševanje problemov pri zaznavanju izstopajočega in konfliktnega vedenja s poseganjem v celotno socialno mrežo posameznika in z upoštevanjem njegovih individualnih značilnosti. Pomoč se izkazuje predvsem z opolnomočenjem posameznika za samostojno reševanje življenjskih problemov, po potrebi tudi s sinhronim opolnomočenjem določenih delov socialne mreže. S pomočjo teorije konstruktivizma in samouravnalnih sistemov je mogoče teoretično razširiti in poglobiti socialnopedagoška spoznanja pri obravnavi motenj med poukom in pri vzrokih za nastajanje konfliktnih situacij z možnostmi iskanja rešitev v sodelovanju in soustvarjanju védenja in vedenja. V okviru magistrskega dela bo teoretično oblikovan model obravnave motečega in konfliktnega vedenja med poukom z vidika socialnopedagoške obravnave in samouravnalnih sistemov znotraj procesno-razvojne strategije načrtovanja kurikuluma.

Keywords:Motnje med poukom
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-86152 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11223369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Socialpedagogics treatmant of disturbing and conflict behaviour during school lessons from view of self-adjusting systems
Prominent and conflict behaviour of scholars in the Slovenian school is still a frequent occurrence. Teachers normally perceive it as inappropirate, unsuitable, obstructing, conflict, violent behaviour which is part of more or less subjective and represive measures of teachers (class teachers) and/or school boards. Measures are mostly directed into a scholar and usually do not meet desired result. Social pedagogical treatment includes an integrated contextual help of solving problems in sensing prominent and confrontational behavior by affecting the whole social network of individuals and taking into account their individual characteristics. Help is shown in particular by empowering individuals of solving life problems, if necessary with synchronous empowerment of certain parts of the social network. With the help of the theory of constructivism and self-guiding systems we can theoretically extend and deepen Sociopedagogical knowledge in dealing with disturbances during lessons and reasons for the emergence of conflict situation with possibilities of finding solutions in collaboration and co-creation of knowledge and behaviour. In the context of the master's work will theoretically be designed a model of dealing with disruptive and conflict behaviour during classes in terms of sociopedagogical treatment and self-guiding systems within the process-development strategy of curriculum planning.

Keywords:Disturbances during classes

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