
Založniški standardi in komunikacijski krog knjige : magistrsko delo
ID Mrak, Anja (Author), ID Blatnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 308867970CAD99A71381A47786AFB312
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6977eb00-ad98-4753-9161-825cc64afcda

Magistrska naloga sprva odgovarja na vprašanje, kaj v svetu, kjer kdor koli lahko izda svojo knjigo, pravzaprav določa, da se knjiga smatra za objavljeno. Naloga poudarja pomembnost precejanja, kuratorstva in ojačevanja vsebine - izbiranje vsebin, ustreznih za objavo, njihovo izboljšanje ter trženje, ki poveča izpostavljenost vsebin in zagotovi, da dosežejo širše bralstvo. Nadalje se na primeru slovenskega knjižnega trga loteva problema njegove prenasičenosti in zmanjšane selektivnosti, ki se odraža v nizkem kakovostnem standardu knjig. S pomočjo Darntonovega komunikacijskega kroga knjige pregleduje posamezne faze v nastanku knjige in preverja, ali so knjige, ki nekatere faze izpuščajo, enako kvalitetne tistim, ki izpeljejo vse. Knjigo obravnava celostno kot založniško-obrtni izdelek, saj ta v sebi združuje mnogo različnih elementov, kjer sta poleg dobre vsebine ključni tudi njena tehnična oprema in vizualna predstavitev. Vpeljuje tudi kriterij simbolnega kapitala, ki (samo)založniku podeli veljavo, da izdaja kvalitetne knjige. Z njim izkaže, da pozna in dosega osnovne predpogoje za nastanek kvalitetne knjige. Omenjeni kriteriji bi se lahko preizkusili v praksi in nakazali prve orise založniških standardov. Njihovo potencialno uporabno vrednost vidimo v presojanju knjig, ki so sofinancirane z javnim denarjem; najsi gre za knjige, ki prejemajo subvencije Javne agencije za knjigo oz. drugih javnih ustanov ali so kako drugače vpete v sistem javnega financiranja.

Keywords:založništvo, založniški standardi, komunikacijski krog knjige, precejanje, kuratorstvo, ojačevanje vsebine, trženje, knjižni trg, Slovenija, bolonjske magistrske naloge
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Mrak]
Number of pages:60 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85924 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:61989474 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2016
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This master's thesis first answers the question of what, in a world where anybody can put out a book of their own, determines whether a book is considered published. It stresses the importance of filtering, curation, and amplification of content - selection of content appropriate for publication, its improvement, and marketing, which increases the exposure of the content and ensures that a wider audience is reached. Next, it tackles the problem of the Slovenian book market, its oversaturation, and the lessening of selectivity, which results in low standards for book quality. Using Darnton%s communications circuit of the book, it examines individual phases of book production and checks whether the books that leave out some phases match the quality of those that go through all of them. It considers a book as a whole to be a product of craft and publication, since many different elements are encompassed within it. Apart from good content, technical equipment and visual presentation are also key factors. The thesis also introduces the criterion of the symbolic capital of a (self)publisher, which, on the basis of books published, establishes the validity of being able to produce good books, proving the familiarity and the ability to comply with prerequisites for the production of high-quality books. The aforementioned criteria can be tested in practice and provide basic outlines of publishing standards. Their potential usefulness can be predicted in judging books where public funds are concerned, including books funded by the Slovenian Book Agency and other public institutions, as well as those who are a part of public funding in some other way.

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