
Primerjalna analiza na področju zbiranja komunalnih odpadkov : magistrsko delo
ID Petek, Igor (Author), ID Banovec, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Domadenik Muren, Polona (Comentor), ID Rakar, Albin (Comentor)

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MD5: A5316FA49BDA70C0D5A6850367612BA5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/31ec3485-2344-4d87-8cab-8ddb6c20282e

Ravnanje z odpadki kot tudi nekatere druge službe, ki se opravljajo v javnem interesu, imajo v družbi običajno poseben status. Gospodarske javne službe, med katere prištevamo tudi službe s področja ravnanja z odpadki, so po svoji naravi monopolne dejavnosti. Ker pa gre za dejavnost, pri kateri odsotnost monopola povzroči povišanje stroškov in posledično višje dajatve za državljane, bi moral sistem stremeti k temu, da se dejavnost opravlja kar se da učinkovito. Orodje benchmarkinga je splošno uveljavljeno orodje za primerjavo kompleksnih sistemov. Uporablja se pri številnih sistemih, vendar pa je na področju ravnanja z odpadki še zelo omejeno in ni razvito. Razlogi za to so, da se samo področje izredno hitro razvija, da smo v svetu priča zelo hitrim spremembam v razvoju, uporabi materialov, uporabi sredstev, obnašanju in odzivnosti uporabnikov … Vseeno pa se primerjave na tem področju pričenjajo, pri nekaterih drugih javnih službah pa so že bolj razvite in tako primerjalna izhodišča z drugimi javnimi službami že obstajajo. V Mestni občini Ljubljana (MOL) in devetih primestnih občinah je javno podjetje Snaga v letu 2012 začelo temeljito spreminjati način zbiranja komunalnih odpadkov. Kljub dovršenemu sistemu zbiranja ločenih frakcij na zbiralnicah smo zaradi novih zakonodajnih zahtev, usklajenih z EU direktivo o odpadkih, presodili, da predpisanih ciljev brez sprememb sistema ne bomo dosegli. Na območju, kjer po uradnih podatkih v približno 153.000 gospodinjstvih živi približno 385.000 prebivalcev, smo zato pri vseh uporabnikih namestili (dodatne) zabojnike za embalažo, v MOL pa tudi zabojnike za papir, in zmanjšali pogostnost odvoza mešanih komunalnih odpadkov. S tem smo želeli povečati učinkovitost zbiranja komunalnih odpadkov tako, da bi dosegli vsaj primerljive vrednosti kazalcev učinkovitosti v primerjavi z drugimi podobnimi podjetji v panogi, kar nam je večinoma uspelo.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, magistrska dela, zbiranje komunalnih odpadkov, embalaža, ločene frakcije komunalnih odpadkov
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Petek]
Number of pages:XXI, 128 str., 56 str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85909 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7677025 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Benchmarking of municipial waste collection service
Waste management as well as certain other services provided in the public interest and in society generally special status. Utilities, among which also includes services in the field of waste management, both by their nature, monopolistic activities. Since it is an activity in which the absence of a monopoly lead to increased costs and, consequently, higher benefits for citizens, the system should aim that it is carried out as effectively as possible. The tool of benchmarking is generally accepted tool for the comparison of complex systems. It is used in many systems, but in the field of waste management is actually still very limited and has not developed. The reasons for this are that the only area developing rapidly, we are in a world witnessing rapid changes in the development, use of materials, use of resources, behavior and responsiveness users ... Nevertheless, comparisons are beginning in some other utilities are comparisons already more Developed and also a benchmark with other public services already exist. The company Snaga collects waste in the area of the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL) and the suburban municipalities Brezovica, Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, Dol pri Ljubljani, Horjul, Medvode, Škofljica and Velike Lašče on the basis of a combination of deposition system and door-to-door waste collection. In 2012 we introduced a simpler, more user-friendly method of collecting packaging which increased the collected quantities - we’ve distributed bins and containers for packaging. Using bins outside their buildings, residents collect residual, biological waste and packaging and paper (on demand, in MOL). At the same time Snaga reduced frequencies of removal of residual waste and thus motivate citizens to increase the separation of waste at origin. At the same time we want to increase the efficiency of collection of municipal waste to achieve at least comparable values of efficiency indicators in comparison with other similar companies in branch, which has largely succeeded.

Keywords:civil engineering, master of science thesis, municipal waste collection, packaging, separate fractionsnon-revenue water

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