
Vpliv naklona zasteklitve na osvetljenost prostorov : diplomska naloga
ID Slobodnik, Jan (Author), ID Košir, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c71ecd8e-8b8f-4638-bb9c-6c118098767d
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V diplomskem delu smo, ob upoštevanju minimalnih zahtev pravilnikov in standardov, ki obravnavajo osvetljevanje stanovanjskih prostorov z dnevno svetlobo, v programu DIALux analizirali vpliv spreminjanja naklona zasteklitve na osvetljenost hipotetičnega prostora (povprečna osvetljenost, količnik dnevne svetlobe KDS, količnik enakomernosti osvetljenosti U0). Pri vsakem naklonu okna smo osvetljenost preverili za tri različne smeri (S, J, V) in tri tipe neba (CIE jasno, kombinirano in oblačno nebo). Hkrati smo za vsako spremembo naklona z natančnostjo ± 0,10 odstotne točke določili površino transparentnega dela odprtine, ki omogoča ekvivalentno osvetljenost v primerjavi z izhodiščem. Z analizami opravljenih simulacij smo pokazali, da za dosego zadostnega nivoja osvetlitve prostora, strešne okenske odprtine ne potrebujejo tako velikih površin v primerjavi z vertikalno pozicioniranimi. Za optimizacijo Pravilnika o minimalnih tehničnih zahtevah za graditev stanovanjskih stavb in stanovanj predlagamo zahteve, ki bi ločeno upoštevale vpliv vertikalne in strešne zasteklitve.

Keywords:gradbeništvo, diplomska naloga, B-GR, osvetljenost, vertikalno okno, strešno okno, količnik dnevne svetlobe KDS, enakomernost osvetljenosti
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:J. Slobodnik
Number of pages:X, 29 str., [18] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85908-11be44ab-e6b8-4a1a-bce0-5901cf136828 This link opens in a new window
UDC:551.521.16: 628.9.021(043.2)
COBISS.SI-ID:7799649 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.11.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The influence of glazing inclination on daylight conditions : graduation thesis
In this thesis, taking into account the minimum requirements of regulations and standards that address lighting of residential premises with daylight, software DIALux was used to analyze the impact of glazing inclination on the illuminance of a hypothetical space (average illuminance, daylight factor DF, illumination uniformity ratio U0). For each window inclination, illuminance was calculated for three different orientations (N, S, E) and three sky types (CIE Clear, Averaged Intermediate and Overcast). Furthermore, we have determined with an accuracy of ± 0.10 percentage points, the appropriate glazing area for each window inclination that results in equivalent illuminance as in the case of the baseline. By analizing the simulation results, we have shown that in order to achieve a sufficient level of illumination, roof window openings do not require such large areas as vertically positioned ones. To optimize the Rules on Minimum Technical Requirements for the Construction of Residential Buildings and Dwellings, we propose requirements that would separately take into account the impact of vertical and roof glazing.

Keywords:illuminance, vertical window, roof window, daylight factor DF, illumination uniformity

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