
ID KUMER, JAN (Author), ID Kos, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4199450AE1F325313F737C3AA45D20DA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b8903681-fe8b-423c-9dbc-b126ead2d52d

Magistrsko delo predstavlja glavne aspekte interneta stvari IoT s poudarkom na tehnični osnovi ter novodobnem upravljanju preko pametnega vmesnika TV, ki je tako rekoč ena bolj razširjenih naprav v gospodinjstvih. TV vmesnik ima veliko površino za prikaz relevantnih informacij ter kontrolnih elementov. Koncept upravljanja interneta stvari preko pametnih TV vmesnikov z integriranim IoT prehodom je ena od mnogih rešitev, ki bo v prihodnosti odigrala pomembno vlogo pri posvajanju pametnih naprav pri potrošnikih. V uvodnem poglavju je opisan IoT in problem upravljanja. Nadalje so predstavljeni pomembni koncepti v IoT, kot so gradniki, modeli komunikacije in vloga varnosti sistemov, ki so osnova današnjih rešitev IoT. Sledi poglavje kjer so predstavljene aplikacije s področja hišne avtomatike. Poudarek je na načinu upravljanja osvetlitve, ki večstransko pripomore k izboljšanju udobja in izkoristka električne energije. TV vmesnik je eden od možnih rešitev za upravljanje domačega IoT sistema, ki je opisan v poglavju. Sledi poglavje podrobnejša predstavitev standardov in protokolov za področje hišne avtomatike, ki so osnova današnjim IoT rešitvam. Poudarek je na bistvenih konceptih, pomembnih za razumevanje tehnične rešitve praktičnega dela. Standarda za industrijske rešitve IoT se na kratko dotakne poglavje z naslovom Izboljšava pod nivoja MAC v IEEE 802.15.4e. V zadnjem delu je predstavljena pilotna postavitev sistema za razpoloženjsko osvetlitev prostora ob domačem kinu. Rešitev temelji na trenutno dobavljivih odprtih platformah. Ker v času izdelave magistrske naloge opisani TV z IoT prehodom ni na voljo je ta gradnik sestavljen iz navadnega TV vmesnika, televizijskega komunikatorja ter IoT prehoda.

Keywords:iot, tv, 802.15.4, zigbee, thread, varnost, led
Work type:Master's thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85829 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2016
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Master's thesis presents the main aspects of the Internet of Things - IoT, with emphasis on technical fundament and modern day management via smart TV interface, that is virtually one of the most widely used devices in households. TV interface has a large surface area to display relevant information and control elements. The concept of management of the Internet of Things through smart TV interface, with integrated IoT gateway, is one of many solutions that will play an important role on consumer market in the future. The introductory chapter describes the IoT and problem management. Furthermore, important IoT concepts are presented, such as building blocks, models of communication and the role of security systems, which are the basis of today's IoT solutions. Followed by a section which presents applications in the field of home automation. The focus is on how to manage the ambient lightning for improving the user comfort and efficiency of electricity consumption. TV interface is one of the possible solutions to manage the domestic IoT system, which is described in the chapter. A chapter is a detailed presentation of standards and protocols in the field of home automation, which are the basis of today's IoT solutions. The focus is on key concepts relevant to understanding the technical background to pilot project. Standard for Industrial IoT solutions briefly touches chapter entitled Improvement of the MAC Layer in IEEE 802.15.4. And the last part presents a pilot system for mood lighting at home cinema. The solution is based on of the shelf components. At the time of writing this thesis, TV with an integrated IoT gateway is not available, but solution is rather built on a rudimental TV device, set top box and IoT gateway.

Keywords:iot, tv, 802.15.4, zigbee, thread, security, led

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