
Referenčne arhitekture in modeli interneta stvari
ID PEROŠA, JAN (Author), ID Bešter, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B1CF0D8020A7000584529CF437698ED8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/36a362eb-2e88-4eee-b8de-5f049c1b821c

Internet stvari se je prvič pojavil v osemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja, ko je bil v splet priključen prilagojen avtomat za pijačo. Koncept interneta stvari je začel s popularizacijo leta 1999. Od tedaj dalje je internet stvari doživel razcvet in je dandanes prisoten na vsakem koraku in špekulacije predvidevajo, da bo v internet do leta 2020 povezanih 30 milijard naprav. Z razcvetom interneta stvari so se začele pojavljati potrebe po smernicah za načrtovanje sistemov in naprav za to področje, saj morajo sistemi in naprave izpolnjevati določene zahteve za internet stvari, kot so omogočanje povezljivosti in komunikacije, upravljanja naprav, vzajemne obratovalnosti, razširljivosti, zbiranja in analize podatkov ter varnost. Smernice za načrtovanje so se pojavile v referenčnih arhitekturah in modelih, ki služijo načrtovalcem sistemov za internet stvari kot vodilo pri načrtovanju takih sistemov. Na voljo je veliko število referenčnih arhitektur, vendar na tem področju prednjačijo referenčna arhitektura za industrijski internet (IIRA), arhitekturni referenčni model IoT-ARM, referenčna arhitektura WSO2, referenčna arhitektura Azure ter referenčni model ITU-T. Diplomska naloga zajema pregled in analizo referenčnih arhitektur z opisom in prikazom nekaterih področij interneta stvari z izbiro najprimernejše referenčne arhitekture za načrtovanje sistema za določeno aplikacijsko področje. Poleg tega je v diplomski nalogi predstavljen opis osnovnih značilnosti interneta stvari ter kratka predstavitev vizije interneta stvari v bližnji prihodnosti.

Keywords:internet stvari, IoT, referenčna arhitektura, referenčni model, primerjava, analiza
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85766 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.09.2016
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Title:Reference architectures and models of Internet of Things
Internet of Things made his first appearance in the eighties, when was connected to the Internet an adjusted vending machine. The concept of the Internet of Things started with his popularization back in year 1999. Since then, the Internet of Things spread his popularity and now is present almost on every step. There are predictions that there will be around 30 billion devices connected to Internet by 2020. With the boom of the Internet of Things has emerged the need for guidelines for the design of systems and devices in this field, because systems and devices must meet certain requirements for the Internet of Things such as providing connectivity and communications, device management, interoperability, scalability, data collection and analysis and security. Guidelines for the design have emerged in reference architectures and models and their purpose is to serve as a guide for system engineers for the Internet of Things when designing such systems. There is a large number of reference architectures but in the forefront are the Industrial Internet Reference Architecture (IIRA), architectural reference model IoT-ARM, reference architecture WSO2, reference architecture Azure and reference model ITU-T. This thesis contents a review and analysis of reference architectures and models with the description and presentation of certain areas of the Internet of Things by selecting the preferred reference architecture for the design of the system for a specific application area. Moreover, the thesis presents a description of the basic features of the Internet of Things and a short presentation of the vision of the Internet of Things in the near future.

Keywords:Internet of Things, IoT, reference architecture, reference model, comparison, analysis

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