This thesis explores the creative movement positions of primary school teachers working in the Upper Savinja Valley.
It consists of a theoretical and an empirical part. The theoretical part presents movement, dance and creative movement as a teaching method. It discusses the cross-curricular integration of creative movement, explains the role of teachers in integrating the method, described the integration of creative movement in children with special needs and presented some relaxation techniques and exercises.
As for the empirical part, the creative movement positions of primary school teachers in the Upper Savinja Valley are examined. The goal was to determine their awareness of the method of creative movement, how often they use it and the subjects for which it is generally applied. The findings suggest that teachers take a positive view of creative movement, 62,2% of teachers familiar with the concept of creative movement and make use of it often, i.e. several times a week.
They normally integrate creative movement in the following subjects: Slovene language and literature, music and sport. However, among the teachers is also 37,8% of those who are not familiar with this approach.