Because of its low price and qualities, the use of plastics is a big part of different areas
of our lives. The need for fusing different parts has surfaced due to complexity of
shapes. Homogenous fusion can only be achieved by welding.
This thesis is divided into six chapters. At first, we look at compound
polypropylene and the process of obtaining semifinished products. In the second part,
different ways of welding plastics and their scopes are presented. The theme of the
third part is the building of the first machine, used for welding only one product. The
process of calculating the power of heating elements and relevant drive trains is
explained. Because of the company’s need of a new machine for welding different
products, in the fourth chapter, we explain the development of a bigger, more advanced
machine. We focus on heating, servo drive, user interface, safety and operation. In the
fifth chapter, there is a comparison between both machines, followed by findings.