In 2007 the electricity market for household customers was also opened. The basic consequence of this fact is free choice of the supplier of electrical energy, an encreased market approach towards small customers, development of new products and services. Due to this operational costs of the suppliers have increased since then and also the added value to selled MWh is much lower than in the past. Suppliers goal is then to optimize the end-consumer price taking into account the mentioned facts. Until 2020 the Slovenian DSO is about to replace at least 80% of the total counters with the so called »smart-metering« counters«. The goal is to make the consumers active partners in the market, to establish the accounting on real consumption base, the application of advanced methods of accounting which are customized to the supply/demand in the market.
A model for stohastic estimation of the electrical energy product price for household consumers with the application of the »Monte Carlo« method is to be addressed and presented in this document. The model shall be used for the adaptation of consumption in case of the application of advanced tariff systems in order to form a multi-tariff model or for dynamic price forming.