
Simulacije porazdelitve brezžičnega signala z numeričnim programom HFSS
ID BOBEN, DAVID (Author), ID Batagelj, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8A5FED7C233CEA861258AE3B108193EA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9b5e845c-b0b4-4629-b740-1b38db964cf6

Porast brezžičnih omrežjih je iz dneva v dan večja, veča se tudi zahtevnost uporabnikov. Leta 1997 so razvili prvi standard IEEE 802.11, ki je takrat zagotavljal podlago za izdelavo brezžičnih produktov. Zaradi vse bolj zahtevnih uporabnikov se danes najbolj uporablja standard IEEE 802.11n, ki je bil predstavljen leta 2009 in podpira frekvenci 2,4 GHz, 5 GHz in uporabo več kanalov. Ker jaz osebno in večina ljudi uporablja za oddajo signalov frekvenco 2,4 GHz, sem tudi sam uporabljal to frekvenco za simulacije in izdelavo anten. Pričujoče diplomsko delo se najprej posveti obrazložitvi samemu brezžičnemu signalu, obrazložitvi in uporabi različnih anten za prenos podatkov ter njihovimi lastnostmi. Sledi predstavitev simulacijskega okolja in njegovih značilnosti. V simulacijskem okolju so izdelani različni modeli in oblike anten, ki so postavljene v simulacijski prostor. Kot končni rezultat so predstavljeni rezultati simulacij s pomočjo programa HFSS.

Keywords:Brezžični signal, monopol antena, krpičasta antena, numerični program ANSYS HFSS
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85614 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Simulations of wireless signal distribution with numerical program HFSS
Increase in wireless networks is from day to day bigger, because of that, the complexity of the users is also getting greater. In 1997 the IEEE 802.11 standard was invented, which provided the basis for the manufacture of wireless products. Due to the increasingly demanding users, the IEEE 802.11N standard is mostly used, which was introduced in 2009 and supports a frequency of 2,4 GHz, 5 GHz and the use of multiple channels. Because myself and most users use 2,4 GHz frequency I used this frequency to do all of my tests, measurements and development of the antennas themselfs. The present thesis will firstly explain the wireless signal itself, the explanation and use of different antennas for the transmission of data and their characteristics. Every different model and antenna is built in our simulating environment and then put into our simulating space. As the end product, all the simulated results are presented with the usage of program called HFSS.

Keywords:Wireless signal, monopole antenna, patch antenna, numerical program ANSYS HFSS

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