For the main and regional roads the spots with a high accident rate are identified on the annual basis. After the implementation of the measures the spots with a high accident rate are monitored to define the effectiveness of implemented measures. This was rarely the case in the past. The main aim of the thesis is to define how much the implemented measures contributed to the improvement of road safety. Little attention is paid to predicting future events with regard to road safety at the identified road sections taking into account different scenarios as well as to predicting road safety at planned traffic routes. By using relevant methods for predicting road safety, road overseers and road planners would acquire the necessary data about the predicted condition of road safety on existent and planned traffic routes. Consequently, relevant measures could be predicted to prevent a bigger number of road accidents.
Based on the methodology of assessing the effectiveness of the measures, for each identified spot with a high accident rate the effect of the implemented measure on road safety was calculated as well as the crash reduction factors according to individual groups of measures.
On the basis of the conducted researches a methodology was developed that shows the effects of individual measures on the elimination of a spot with a high accident rate and shows the possible consequences in case the suggested measures are not implemented.
Further, a methodology was developed in order to predict road safety on the existent as well as the planned roads. The main aim of the new methodology is to identify potential spots with a high accident rate already in the phase of planning the changes on existent road network or a new traffic route in order to predict the measures for ensuring higher road safety.