
Porazdelitev električnega toka v talilnem elementu pri udarnem valu
ID KNEZ, AMADEJ (Author), ID Vončina, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D32F589E5D44CF06D57F58C1D83CCD6A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b9d337b5-930e-4694-9e00-1a93a23ffa83

V pričujočem diplomskem delu je raziskan vpliv debeline talilnega elementa na razporeditev gostote električnega toka znotraj prevodnika. Kožni pojav je analiziran v talilnem vložku, ki se uporablja v sklopu prenapetostne zaščite (angl. Surge Rated Fuses, SRF). V fazi razvoja SRF talilnega vložka so se pojavili dvomi o pravilnem dimenzioniranju talilnega elementa zaradi hitrih sprememb toka, ki se pojavijo ob prenapetosti, kot je udar strele, kar lahko povzroči kožni pojav znotraj talilnega elementa. V okviru diplomskega dela sem poskušal vpliv kožnega pojava zmanjšati s tanjšim talilnim elementom. Modeliranje talilnega elementa je izvedeno v programskem okolju Ansys Maxwell. Uporabljena je analiza z metodo končnih elementov, s katero je ocenjena razporeditev gostote električnega toka v obstoječem in v stanjšanem talilnem elementu. Prav tako so praktično preizkušeni vzorci talilnih vložkov z obstoječim in s stanjšanim talilnim elementom. Rezultati pokažejo, da s tanjšanjem talilnega elementa ne odpravimo kožnega pojava, ki otežuje doseganje želene izklopne karakteristike talilnega vložka. V prihodnje bi bilo treba preizkusiti še druge oblike in debeline talilnih elementov, ki bi lahko zmanjšali vpliv kožnega pojava.

Keywords:talilni vložek, kožni pojav, tokovni udarni val, SRF, Ansys Maxwell.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85549 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Current distribution in fuse-element during surge test
The main goal of the diploma thesis is to study the influence of the fuse-element thickness on the distribution of current density within the conductor. Skin effect is analyzed in the SRF fuse link, which is used as a part of overvoltage protection. During the development of the SRF fuse link doubts have arisen about the proper dimensioning of the fuse-element due to rapid current changes, which occur in overvoltages like lightning strikes. This can lead to skin effect within the fuse-element. The aim of the diploma thesis is to reduce the effects of this phenomenon by using thinner fuse-element. Fuse-element modeling is performed in the Ansys Maxwell program environment. Finite element analysis is used for evolution of current density distribution in the existing and thinner fuse-element. Additionally, samples of fuse links are tested practically with existing and thinner fuse-element. Results demonstrate that thinning the fuse-element does not eliminate the skin effect, making achievement of desired time current characteristic of fuse-link difficult. In the future, it would be necessary to study other shapes and thickness of the fuse-element, which could reduce the skin effect.

Keywords:fuse link, skin effect, surge lightning pulse, SRF, Ansys Maxwell.

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