
Vpliv spektra svetlobe kalibracijskega vira na točnost meritev osvetljenosti
ID MALIK, GREGOR (Author), ID Bizjak, Grega (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 4DD3F3FF38A0F897F528EFEF2A7D1697
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c19f08e5-5bb6-4c99-80c3-24e4069d2073

V diplomskem delu sem računal velikosti korekcijskega faktorja za zmanjšanje merilne negotovosti pri kalibriranih merilnikih osvetljenosti. Izračune sem opravil v programu MATLAB ter rezultate prikazal v programskem orodju Excel. V nalogi najprej predstavim fotometrijo in fotometrične veličine ki jih uporabljamo. V naslednjem poglavju opišem metode merjenja fotometrije, ki so se uporabljale v preteklosti in ki jih trenutno uporabljamo. Predstavim tudi sodoben fotometer, merilnik osvetljenosti in kako deluje. Podrobno predstavim korekcijski faktor in kaj potrebujemo za njegov izračun. Vključil sem tudi opis, kako sem opravil izračune korekcijskega faktorja, katere podatke sem uporabil, in pregledno predstavil vse dobljene rezultate. Za izračun korekcijskih faktorjev sem uporabil podatke več vrst svetlobnih virov, da sem imel veliko bazo rešitev, iz katere sem lažje prišel do rezultatov. Podam tudi svoje mnenje, kateri svetlobni viri bi lahko nadomestili sedanjega pri kalibriranju merilnikov.

Keywords:merilnik osvetljenosti, luksmeter, kalibracija, spektralna občutljivost merilnika, osvetljenost, spekter svetlobnih virov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85548 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of calibration light source spectrum on accuracy of illuminance measurements
This thesis presents a calculation of correction factors for reduce uncertainty in the calibrated illuminance lux meters using different light sources. The calculations were prepared using the MATLAB programme and then visualised with Excel. The thesis defines photometry, and presents the different photometric quantities used. The next chapter describes the photometric methods used in the past and now. I go on to present the modern photometer, the illuminance meter and how it works. Moreover, I present the correction factor and the data needed to calculate it. The thesis further describes how the correction factors were calculated and what data was used, and gives a clear overview of the results. To calculate correction factors, I used data from several types of light sources for the calibration of lux meters as to have large database to allow easier and more reliable calculations. The thesis also identifies a possible alternative light source for the one used for calibrating light meters now.

Keywords:light meter, lux meter, calibration, spectral sensitivity of meters, illuminance, light source spectre

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