
Avtomatizacija meritev v čebeljem panju z uporabo tehnologij interneta stvari
ID CERAR, GREGOR (Author), ID Pogačnik, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C7C1840863E9412F1F86C59695B75F78
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9258c20f-354c-41d8-9ae3-a2a3dff9d535

Živimo v casu, ko je elektrotehnika vseprisotna. V navezi z agrokulturo se je razvila t. i. precizna agrokultura. Ena izmed nadaljnjih delitev je precizno cebelarstvo. Ukvarja se z neinvazivnim zbiranjem podatkov o cebelji družini v želji optimirati cebelarjenje in povecati pridelek. Cilj te magistrske naloge je prispevati ravno na tem podrocju. V uvodnem delu smo umestili cebelo v živalsko kraljestvo. Naredili smo pregled komercialnih rešitev na podrocju preciznega cebelarstva. Ugotovili smo, da gre po vecini za elektronske tehtnice. Na raziskovalnem podrocju smo zasledili clanke, ki na podlagi akusticnih znacilk išcejo nacin prepoznavanja aktivnosti cebel. Akademski projekt E-Ruche se osredotoca na zbiranje podatkov o temperaturi znotraj panja na desetih merilnih mestih. Pri nekoliko mlajšem projektu imenovanem ITAPIC so realizirali brezžicno komunikacijo senzorjev z vozlišcem. Naslednje poglavje predstavi bistvene tehnologije in têrmine uporabljene pri tej magistrski nalogi. Med njimi so: upogibne meriline celice (uporovni listici), protokol I2C, pojem IoT, oblikovanje podatkov JSON, princip REST, programski jezik JavaScript, nerelacijska podatkovna baza MongoDB in Google Material. V osrednji temi smo najprej opisali izdelavo štiritockovne elektronske tehtnice. Izdelali smo jo z upogibnimi merilnimi celicami. Pri izdelavi smo naleteli na nekaj težav zaradi premajhne izhodne napetosti in omejitve napajanja. Meritve smo morali na koncu izvajati samo z eno merilno celico. Temperaturo in vlago zunaj in znotraj panja smo merili s senzorjema DHT22. Senzorsko vozlišce je preko protokola I2C zajemalo meritve s senzorjev v rednih intervalih in jih posredovalo spletnemu strežniku. Pri poglavju o spletni aplikaciji smo opisali nacrtovanje podatkovnih struktur uporabnika in optimizacijo hrambe odcitkov senzorjev. Aplikacija vsebuje spletni vmesnik, ki je oblikovno narejen po vzoru Google Material. Omogoca identifikacijo uporabnika, prikaz senzorjev in ponazoritev preteklih meritev z grafom. V zadnjem poglavju smo opisali testno postavitev sistema, postavljena v zacetku avgusta. Tehtnico smo podložili pod cebelji panj, senzorja temperature in vlage smo namestili v za to prirejeno satnico in ohišje zunaj panja. Meritve smo zbirali približno štiri dni. Kolicina podatkov je bila premajhna za resno analizo, vendar smo lahko vseeno opazovali nekaj kratkotrajnih pojavov in njihovih vplivov na meritve.

Keywords:cebelarjenje, precizno cebelarjenje, IoT, senzorji
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85508 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Measurement automation in beehives using IoT technologies
We live in a time where electronic devices are present on every step. In relation with agriculture the so-called precision agriculture has developed. One of the further division of it is precision beekeeping. It deals with the non-invasive data collection about bee colonies in a wish to optimize resource usage and increase honey production. The aim of this master thesis is to contribute precisely to this area. In the introductory section we placed the bees within the animal kingdom. We made a review of the commercial solutions in the field of precision beekeeping. We have found that the majority were electronic scales. In the research field we identified articles which on the basis of acoustic features look for a way of identifying the activities of the bees. The academic project E-Ruche focuses on collecting data about temperature inside the hive up to ten measuring points. In a somewhat earlier project called ITAPIC, communication was realized through wireless communication sensors with the sensor node. The following chapter presents the basic technologies and the terms used in this master thesis. Among them are: load cell (strain gauge), protocol I2C, the concept of IoT, data formatting JSON, REST principle, JavaScript, nonrelational database MongoDB and Google Material. Within our central topic, we first describe the production of fourpoint electronic scales. We developed it with load cell technology. In the manufacturing, we encountered some problems due to low output voltage and charging limitations. At the end the measurements were carried with only one load cell. The temperature and humidity inside and outside the hive was measured by sensors DHT22. The sensor with the use of the protocol I2C covered measurements at regular intervals and submitted them to the web server. In the chapter regarding the web application, we described the programming of user data structures and the optimization of the sensor data retention. The application contains a web interface, which is modeled after Google Material. It allows the identification of the user, a display of sensors and illustrates recent measurements using a graph. In the last chapter, we described a test system built in the beginning of August. The scale was padded under the hive, we placed the temperature and moisture sensor in a special modified honeycomb and housed it outside the hive. Measurements were collected for approximately four days. The amount of data was too small for serious analysis, but we could still observe some short-term phenomena and their impact on the measurements.

Keywords:beekeeping, precision beekeeping, IoT, sensors

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