
The irreducible chaos of the postmodern spectacularised JFK event
ID Škerjanec, Blaž (Author)

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The following contribution attempts to problematise the JFK event by mapping modes of becoming as forms of departure from conventional socio-political structures, thereby introducing an anti-genealogical theoretical approach. The text constructs a concept of the event that parts from fidelity to a retrospectively created Badiouian Event on one hand, and on the other places an excessive libidinal Deleuzo-Guattarian and Lyotardian event in its lieu. A special emphasis is given to presenting the intersections between molar lines and the explosion of molecular moments within (and outside of) the so-called JFK event in order to indicate that a single interpretation of an event cannot become truly hegemonic. In this respect, the article focuses on presenting a critical analysis of Debord's theory of the Society of the Spectacle by providing the above-mentioned molecular instances; specifically, the article sketches out a vague transition from the subversive actions of the pop art and Beatnik movements to the JFK event in order to demystify Debord's Spectacle and Badiou's Event.

Work type:Not categorized
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 880-894, 910
Numbering:Letn. 50, št. 5/6
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85327 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:0040-3598
COBISS.SI-ID:32433501 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2016
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja
Shortened title:Teor. praksa
Publisher:Fakulteta za družbene vede
COBISS.SI-ID:763652 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Pričujoči prispevek problematizira dogodek JFK prek uvedbe antigenealoškega teoretičnega pristopa, to je kartiranja modusov postajanja kot oblik odhoda od konvencionalnih družbenopolitičnih struktur. Besedilo se zavezuje k ustvarjanju koncepta dogodka, ki se loči od zvestobe retrospektivno ustvarjenega Badioujovega Dogodka in na njegovo mesto postavlja ekscesen libidinalen dogodek, utemeljen na filozofijah Deleuza, Guattarija in Lytorda. Da bi pokazal, kako ena sama interpretacija dogodka ne more postati zares hegemonska, članek poseben poudarek posveča navzkrižjem molarnih linij in eksplozijam molekularnih momentov znotraj (in zunaj) tako imenovanega dogodka JFK. V tem oziru se besedilo osredinja okoli kritične analize Debordove teorije družbe spektakla, ki jo podkrepi z navajanjem zgoraj navedenih molekularnih utrinkov. Natančneje, prispevek oriše ne popolnoma jasen prehod od subverzivnih dejanj pop arta in bitnikov do dogodka JFK, da bi demistificiral Debordov Spektakel in Badioujev Dogodek.

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