
Kompleksna obdelava dogodkov za integracijo naprav v Internetu stvari
ID GJORGJESKI, NAUM (Author), ID Jurič, Branko Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/baba3580-60bd-4485-b2f9-97894fb97545

Internet stvari (IoT) se kot relativno nova tehnologija sooča s številnimi izzivi. Za IoT omrežja je značilno, da jih sestavlja veliko število naprav. Vsaka od teh naprav generira ogromno količino dogodkov. Zato je skalabilnost ena od ključnih zahtev IoT aplikacij. Računalništvo v oblaku nam lahko pomaga doseči skalabilnost tako, da nam zagotavlja virtualno neomejene količine virov. Arhitektura mikrostoritev postaja vse bolj popularna za namestitev aplikacij v oblaku. Pogosto hočemo iz dogodkov, ki prihajajo iz IoT naprav, pridobiti informacije v realnem času. Težje bi bilo pridobiti uporabne informacije iz enormne količine neobdelanih dogodkov, če bi dogodke shranjevali v podatkovno bazo. Kompleksna obdelava dogodkov nam omogoča, da analiziramo dogodke in iz njih pridobivamo uporabne informacije v realnem času. Da bi vse to demonstrirali, smo razvili IoT aplikacijo, ki sledi načelom mikrostoritvene arhitekture. Aplikacija lahko simulira dogodke, jih sprejema, izvaja kompleksno obdelavo dogodkov in prikazuje vizualizacije. Mikrostoritev, ki sprejema dogodke, lahko skaliramo navzgor in navzdol s ciljem, da uravnotežimo obremenitev med instancami in dosežemo skalabilnost in elastičnost.

Keywords:Internet stvari, računalništvo v oblaku, mikrostoritve, kompleksna obdelava dogodkov, Esper, Kubernetes
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85185 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2016
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Title:Complex Event Processing for integration of Internet of Things devices
As a relatively new technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) faces many challenges. IoT networks are characterized by a big number of devices. Each of the devices produces huge amount of events. Therefore, scalability is one of the key requirements of IoT applications. Cloud computing could help us achieve scalability by providing virtually unlimited resources. The microservices architecture is becoming increasingly popular for cloud deployments of applications. We often want to extract real-time information from the events that are coming from IoT devices. It would be harder to infer useful information from the enormous amount of raw events, if we store them in a database. Complex event processing enables us to analyze the events as the stream of events flows and to infer meaningful information from them in real time. To demonstrate all of this in practice, we developed an IoT application, which follows the principles of microservices architecture. It is able to simulate events, consume them, do complex event processing and display visualizations. In order to balance the load between the instances and achieve scalability and elasticity, the microservice which is consuming the events can be scaled up and scaled down.

Keywords:Internet of Things, cloud computing, microservices, complex event processing, Esper, Kubernetes

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