
Izboljšanje energetske učinkovitosti vodovodne črpalne postaje
ID OMAN, ALEŠ (Author), ID Mihalič, Rafael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 77A6018C9568D8718AA02FF9BADB7254
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d65e309d-5fb6-4076-bc54-00fd17ed6fc3

V diplomski nalogi je na konkretnem primeru predstavljen sistematični pristop k optimizaciji distribucijskega sistema pitne vode. Za izvedbo zmanjšanja porabe električne energije pri distribuciji vode je potrebno znanje o črpalkah in elektromotorjih, ki so predstavljeni v prvem delu diplomske naloge. V nadaljevanju je opisano delovanje distribucijskega sistema in njegove pomanjkljivosti. Za optimizacijo ali rekonstrukcijo nekega sistema je poleg teoretičnega znanja o črpalkah in elektromotornih pogonih potrebno imeti tudi čim boljšo sliko o dejanskem stanju sistema. S pomočjo meritev smo dobili vpogled v delovanje in izkoristek sistema. S pomočjo spletne aplikacije Grundfos Product Center smo izbrali najustreznejše tipe črpalk, izvedli simulacijo gibanja električne moči črpalk in ovrednotili zmanjšanje porabe električne energije glede na predlagane rekonstrukcije. Na koncu smo glede na izračunane prihranke in okvirne investicije izdelali tudi sheme denarnih tokov in predlagali najustreznejšo rešitev.

Keywords:črpalka, elektromotor, distribucija pitne vode, izkoristek črpalke
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85151 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Improvement of energy efficiency of water pumping station
This thesis contains specific example of a systematic approach to optimisation of drinking water distribution system. To carry out the reduction of electrical energy at water distribution, electric engine and pump knowledge described at the beginning of this thesis, is needed. Distribution system functioning and it is shortcomings are described later on. For optimisation and reconstruction of a system, a clear view of actual state of the system is indeed, beside the theoretical knowledge. With help of measurements we got the insight in functioning and recovery of the system. Web application Grundfos Product Center was our tool for choosing the most appropriate pump types. The app did a simulation of pump electrical power and evaluated reduction of energy based on suggested reconstruction. Based on calculated savings and basic investment, we made cash flow projections and suggested the optimal solution.

Keywords:pump, electric motor, distribution of drinking water, pump efficiency

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