
Interaktivna vizualizacija arhitekture
ID FELDI, ŠANDOR (Author), ID Peer, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1E43D155AF5E62A25E342E7CAADB7C41
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a131a3e8-fd0f-4c77-9c81-f00964a7f011

Vizualizacija v arhitekturi je ključnega pomena, saj je bistven način komunikacije med arhitekti in naročniki oziroma uporabniki.Običajno se uporabljajo slike ali posnetki upodobitev, ki se lahko generirajo ure in ure, končni uporabnik pa lahko rezultat le gleda. Vedno zmogljivejši računalniški sistemi, bodisi namizni bodisi mobilni ter razmah prosto dostopnih zelo naprednih in zmogljivih pogonov za igre, ponujajo možnosti za izdelavo realnočasovnih, realističnih in interaktivnih aplikacij. Diplomsko delo predstavi razvoj aplikacije za interaktivno vizualizacijo arhitekture, idejne zasnove novega kulturnega središča v Mariboru, ki je izdelana z uporabo pogona za izdelavo iger, Unity3D. Uporabnik lahko v izdelani aplikaciji spreminja zunanje in notranje svetlobne pogoje ter tako opazuje, kako le-ta vpliva na arhitekturo. Prikazani so tudi zelo osnovni agenti (ljudje in vozila), ki se sprehajajo po in okoli zgradbe ali vozijo po prometnicah v neposredni bližini. Da bi bili dostopni čim večjemu krogu uporabnikov, smo želeli podpreti čim več platform, vendar smo se zaradi količine dodatnega dela in zaradi mnogo zmogljivejše opreme, omejili le na namizne sisteme (OSX, Microsoft Windows, Linux).

Keywords:računalniška grafika, vizualizacija, interaktivnost, arhitektura, 3D, Unity, SRTM, kulturno središče, navidezna resničnost
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85135 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2016
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Title:Interactive visualization of architecture
Visualization in architecture is crucial, because it is an essential way of communication between architects and clients or users. Normally, images or video renders are used, which can take hours to generate a visualization and all the end user can do is to watch it. Ever more powerful computer systems, whether desktop or mobile, and the availability of free very advanced and powerful game engines offer us possibilities to create real-time, realistic and interactive applications. The aim of this thesis is to create an application for interactive visualization of architecture, concept of a new cultural center in Maribor, using the Unity3D game engine. The user can manipulate the outside and inside lighting conditions, so it can observe how light interacts with the architecture. We also depict very basic agents (people and vehicles) that are walking in and around the building or are driving on the roads in the immediate vicinity. In order to be accessible to the widest range of users, we wanted to support many platforms, but due to the amount of extra work and hardware limitations of mobile devices we limited ourselves to desktop systems (OSX, Microsoft Windows, Linux).

Keywords:computer graphics, visualization, interactivity, architecture, 3D, Unity, SRTM, cultural center, virtual reality

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