
Izdelava robota z večsmernimi kolesi
ID ZUPANČIČ, GAŠPER (Author), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3B558D8BB90C7BB0728AEFA8F804CDF4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b54d5138-982c-4ad2-892e-7014eca911c7

Roboti, ki omogočajo gibanje v vse smeri, se imenujejo holonomični roboti. S svojimi štirimi večsmernimi kolesi (Omni wheels) se lahko robot premika ali vrti v vse smeri brez spremembe orientacije. Načrtan je bil tridimenzionalni nosilni okvir mobilnega robota, ki je bil natisnjen na 3D tiskalniku. Nanj so pritrjene komponente robota. Premikanje je bilo realiziramo s koračnimi motorji, ki omogočajo zelo natančno pozicioniranje brez povratne zanke, vse skupaj pa poteka pod nadzorom mikrokrmilnika Arduino Mega. Premik povzročimo z vnosom referenčnih vrednosti, izvrši pa se preko brezžične povezave Bluetooth.

Keywords:Arduino, robot, večsmerno kolo, koračni motor
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85126 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.09.2016
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Title:Development of the robot with omidirectional wheels
Robots that allow movement in all directions, are called holonomic robots. With its four multi–directional wheels (Omni wheels), the robot can move or rotate in any direction without changing its orientation. A supporting frame of the mobile robot was drawn and was then printed on a 3D printer. Robot components are attached to it. The moving was realized with stepper motors, which enable very accurate positioning without any feedback. The motors are controlled with a microcontroller Arduino Mega. The movement is caused with the input of new referent values and is executed via Bluetooth wireless connection.

Keywords:Arduino, robot, Omni wheel, stepper motor

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