
Animacija prostorskih vektorjev elektromagnetnih veličin
ID RAZPET, LUKA (Author), ID Ambrožič, Vanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 3044D901B8BCAA22AB3A8E5DDD7D9CE5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e3d3bfff-0ef1-4857-b57b-b64afa1dc4d0

Predmet diplomske naloge je računalniška grafična ponazoritev dogajanja v elektromehanskih pretvornikih (strojih). Ideja za simulacijo delovanja indukcijskega stroja in tudi ostalih strojev je bila približanje dogajanja v stroju študentom preko vektorske teorije. Ker gre pri tem načeloma za rotirajoče vektorje in se le-ti gibajo po prostoru, si je preko animacije veliko lažje predstavljati, kako sam stroj deluje in kako se obnašajo posamezni vektorji veličin. V izdelanem programu je omogočena tudi vključitev opazovalca, saj lahko preko gumbov in drsnikov do določene mere spreminja parametre in opazuje odziv stroja. Najprej so predstavljene transformacije in grafična ponazoritev iz začetnega sistema vhodnih faznih veličin, preko rezultantnega vektorja, v poljuben dvofazni koordinatni sistem. Najprimernejši novi sistem za razlago delovanja indukcijskega stroja je koordinatni sistem rotorskega polja, ki je vzet kot osnova za simulacijo. Preko teorije s hkratnimi izseki animacije iz programa bosta tako predstavljena indukcijski stroj in sinhronski stroj v tem koordinatnem sistemu. V nadaljevanju bom predstavil programsko okolje Lazarus in možnosti programiranja v njem. Prikazano bo delovanje izdelanega programa, ki je bil razvit v tem okolju, njegovih funkcij ter vseh opcij, ki jih ponuja uporabniku. Podlaga za prikaz v programu so izpeljane enačbe stroja v novem koordinatnem sistemu, vendar gre pri tem samo za simulacijo realnega delovanja in ne dejanskega preračunavanja v realnem času. Stroj lahko opazujemo v različnih stacionarnih stanjih pod različnimi pogoji (obremenitev ipd.). Tako orodje predstavlja dober pripomoček za učenje in vizualizacijo, hkrati pa se moramo zavedati njegovih omejitev, saj je delovanje realnega stroja veliko kompleksnejše.

Keywords:Indukcijski stroj, vektorska teorija, koordinatni sistem rotorskega polja, simulacija, program
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-85091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Animation of electromagnetic quantities’ space vectors
The topic of this thesis is a computer graphic simulation of operation of electromechanic converters (machines). Idea for simulation of induction machine, as well as other machines, was to present the vector theory to the students. In this case vectors, which rotate in space, are observed. How each of the variable's vector is acting is shown through an animation. This makes the machine operation easier to visualize. The program interface, with its buttons and scrollbars, allows the user to influence the parameters and monitor the response. Firstly the transformations and graphic representation from input phase variables via resultant vector into arbitrary two phase reference frame are observed. The most appropriate new system for explanation of induction machine operation is the rotor field reference frame, which is taken as the basis for simulation. Through theory, with added pictures (printscreens) from program, the induction and synchronous machine will be analyzed in this reference frame. After that, I will describe the integrated development environment Lazarus and its capabilities. Program, which was developed in this environment, its functions and available options will also be shown. The basis for the program presentation are the machine derived equations in the new coordinate system. The user can observe the machine in different steady states under different circumstances (under load etc). A tool like this represents a great aid for learning and visualization, but at the same time one should be aware of its limitations, since the operation of a real machine is much more complex.

Keywords:Induction machine, vector theory, rotor flux coordinate system, simulation, program

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