
Analiza izgub v feromagnetni pločevini v postopku izdelave energetskega transformatorja
ID PROSENIK, DEJAN (Author), ID Vončina, Danijel (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: C97BEF72D04184A52E831ED6DD871817
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cb33a35d-8291-46cf-984f-e34af387a8b8

V okviru diplomske naloge smo analizirali vpliv obdelave orientirane elektro pločevine na magnetne lastnosti. Cilj naloge je ovrednotiti vpliv proizvodnega procesa na izgube v prostem teku transformatorja. Jedra energetskih transformatorjev so izdelana iz več tisoč lamel, ki jih je treba narezati iz dobavljenih kolutov pločevine. Pločevino se razreže na želeno širino na stroju za vzdolžni razrez, končno obliko lamel pa se izdela na stroju za prečni razrez. Lamele se nato zloži v jedro, na koncu pa se zapre še zgornji jarem. S pomočjo naprave za merjenje specifičnih izgub smo analizirali, kako vpliva posamezna faza izdelave transformatorskega jedra na specifične izgube. Na podlagi večjega števila vzorcev smo ugotovili, da ima največji vpliv na specifične izgube vzdolžni razrez pločevine. Namreč pri prečnem razrezu je vpliv rezanja na izgube skoraj zanemarljiv. Na podlagi vzorcev, ki smo jih uporabili pri zlaganju, pa smo ugotovili, da se specifične izgube v pločevini po zlaganju celo nekoliko znižajo.

Keywords:orientirana elektro pločevina, specifične izgube v pločevini, izgube v jedru transformatorja, vzdolžni razrez, prečni razrez, zlaganje, feromagnetni materiali, obdelava orientirane elektro pločevine
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84957 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Analyze of losses in feromagnetic sheets during production of power transformer
In the diploma thesis we have focused on the influence of processing the grain oriented electrical steel on the magnetic losses of core. Purpose of the assignment was to evaluate influence of production processes on the losses in the transformer in the idle state. Core of the energetic transformers is made out of more than thousand sheets which need to be cut from supplied reels of metal sheet. Metal sheet is cut on the desired width with the machine for longitudinal cutting. Final shape of the sheets is made on the machine for cross cutting. Sheets are stacked into the core and finally upper yoke is closed. With the help of the device for measuring of specific losses we have analysed how individual phase of transformer core manufacturing, influences on the specific losses. On the basis of bigger quantity of samples, we have determined that the biggest influence on the losses has longitudinal cutting of metal sheet. Influence of the cross cutting procedure is almost negligible. On the basis of used samples for stacking procedure we have determined that this process has positive influence and slightly decrease specific losses.

Keywords:Grain oriented ferromagnetic steel, Specific losses in grain oriented ferromagnetic steel, Losses in the transformer core, Longitudinal cutting, Cross cutting, Stacking procedure, Ferromagnetic materials, Processing of grain oriented ferromagnetic steel

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