
Planiranje gladke poti mobilnega vozila z uporabo hibridnega algoritma A*
ID VODNIK, DAVID (Author), ID Klančar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Delo opisuje implementacijo hibridnega A* algoritma za iskanje gladke poti mobilnega vozila. Cilj je bil poiskati in uspešno prevoziti pot, ki zadosti neholonomičnim omejitvam realnega vozila v prostoru obdanem z ovirami. Izdelana je bila simulacija v programskem okolju Unity, ki je pogosto uporabljeno za izdelavo računalniskih iger in omogoča dobro vizualizacijo sledenja poti mobilnega vozila. Simulacija vsebuje primer realnega prostora z ovirami, med katerimi se mora vozilo prebiti od začetne do ciljne pozicije. Izdelana je bila preprosta simulacija laserskega senzorja za kartiranje okolja, Ackermannov model vozila, hibridno A* iskanje in vodenje vozila po dobljeni poti.

Keywords:iskanje poti, hibridni algoritem A*, mobilni robot, Ackermann model
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84928 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Smooth path planning for mobile robot using hybrid algorithm A*
The thesis describes the implementation of the hybrid A* algorithm with the aim of finding a smooth path in an obstacle dense environment. The goal was to find and successfully folow a path that meets the nonholonomic restrictions of a real vehicle. A simulation was developed in the Unity framework that is often used in game development and allows for a good visualization of mobile vehicle path following. The simulation consists of an example of a space with obstacles among which the vehicle has to travel from a start to a goal location. A simple laserscanner simulation was developed for mapping the environment, an Ackermann vehicle model, hybrid A* search and path following.

Keywords:pathfinding, hybrid A* algorithm, mobile robot, Ackermann model

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