
Akustična ureditev prostora za kritično poslušanje v domačem snemalnem studiu
ID KALIŠNIK, SAMO (Author), ID Jankovec, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 293E02B6997FC572EEEE9E21F6750913
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cd036ecb-2b71-494b-90d0-a7102749a1e5

V diplomski nalogi opisujemo akustično ureditev obstoječega prostora za vaje v prostor za kritično poslušanje. V začetnem delu najprej spoznamo osnovne pojme, zvok v splošnem, s čim je določena višina in glasnost ter kako ljudje zaznavamo zvok. Nato razložimo pojave pri širjenju zvoka in s tem povezane probleme, do katerih pride pri širjenju zvoka v zaprtih prostorih. Spoznamo tudi različne akustične elemente, del katerih kasneje tudi uporabimo pri akustični ureditvi našega prostora. V praktičnem delu naloge najprej opravimo meritve prostora v obstoječem stanju in definiramo ter analiziramo obstoječe probleme. Na podlagi tega se odločimo za nadaljnje ukrepe, najprej celo za spremembo oblike samega prostora. Določimo novo orientacijo in postavitev zvočnikov in se lotimo akustične ureditve z akustičnimi elementi. Največji problem vsakega zaprtega prostora so modalne frekvence, ki jih je najtežje obvladati, zato se najprej spopademo z njimi. Z absorberji se po delih lotimo posamezne odbojne površine (najprej sprednja stena, potem zadnja in stranske stene, nato strop) in sproti opravljamo vmesne meritve, da lahko analiziramo, kaj smo dosegli z obdelavo določene površine. Nato s premičnimi absorberji odpravimo še stranske odboje in z difuzijo zadnje stene poizkusimo podaljšati odmevni čas srednjih in visokih frekvenc, ki se je tekom obdelave prostora z absorberji preveč skrajšal. S tem zaključimo z akustično ureditvijo, predstavimo dosežene rezultate in opišemo načrtovane nadgradnje, s čimer bi zvočno sliko v prostoru še izboljšali.

Keywords:akustika, širjenje zvoka, modalne frekvence, odmev, absorpcija, difuzija, akustične meritve, prostor za kritično poslušanje
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84842 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Acoustic treatment of a critical listening room in a home recording studio
In this diploma work we describe the acoustic treatment of existing drill room into listening room. In the theoretical part we get to know the basic terms/notions such as sound in general, how the scale and the sound level are defined and how people detect the sound. Then we explain the phenomena that occur by sound propagation and the problems connected with sound propagation in a closed room. We also recognize different acoustic elements, some of them are later used in acoustic treatment of our room. First we take the measurements of the existing state then we define and analyse the existing problems. On this basis, we decide for further actions, even the change of the form of the room itself. By determining a new orientation and arrangement of loudspeakers, we proceed with acoustic layout and acoustic elements. The biggest problem of each closed room are modal frequencies which are most difficult to master, so we tackle those first. We begin with resonant absorbers, step-by-step with a single reflecting surface (the front wall first, then the back wall followed by side walls and finally the ceiling) and each time the intermediate measurements are taken in order to analyse what was achieved by treatment of a certain surface. By mobile porous absorbers we eliminate also the side reflections and by diffusion of the back wall we try to extend the echo of middle and high frequencies which was shortened too much while treating the room by absorbers. By this, we finish with the acoustic treatment, we present the achieved results and describe the planned upgrades which are meant to improve even more the sound picture of the room.

Keywords:acoustics, sound propagation, modal frequencies, reverberation, absorption, diffusion, acoustic measurements, listening room

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