
Aplikacija za informacijsko podporo projektom uvedbe ERP sistema
ID PUKL, KLEMEN (Author), ID Rupnik, Rok (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D03241536ED3638D33ACA874F4F100A8
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b555982d-b79b-48a9-bfea-2635ac16b826

V diplomskem delu sem najprej predstavil pomen ERP sistema za posamezno podjetje. Potem sem opisal najpogostejše module tega sistema in proces njegove uvedbe v podjetje. Ker pa je projekt uvedbe lahko zelo obsežen in zahteven, sem si za boljši pregled nad njim zamislil aplikacijo za podporo projektom uvedbe ERP sistema. Ta je dostopna preko spleta in glede na nivo uporabnika prikazuje različno vsebino podatkov o poteku projekta. V aplikaciji so na enem mestu zbrani podatki o projektu, ki vodji omogočajo nadzor nad aktivnostmi, ki se izvajajo, udeleženci pa vedno točno vedo, kaj je njihova naslednja naloga in do kdaj jo morajo opraviti. Poleg tega so zbrani tudi vsi zapisniki sestankov in drugih dogajanj. Na ta način aplikacija pomaga, da med projektom uvedbe nastane čim manj zapletov, ne dogaja se, da kakšen udeleženec projekta ne bi vedel, kaj je bilo dogovorjeno, kakšne so njegove zadolžitve in do kdaj jih mora opraviti.

Keywords:uvedba ERP sistema, spletna aplikacija, informacijska podpora projektom
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2016
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Title:Aplication for information support ERP implementation projects
This thesis first presents the importance of an ERP system for an individual company. The most common modules of this type of system and the process of their implementation within a company are then described. Because an implementation project may be very extensive and demanding, this thesis presents an application that supports ERP System implementation projects by providing better oversight. The application is accessible on the Internet and, depending on the level of the user, displays different data content on project development. The application stores all project data in one place, enabling management supervision over activities being carried out while ensuring project participants always remain precisely aware of their next task as well as of the deadline by which the task must be completed. In addition, the application stores all meeting minutes and records of other activities. In this way, the application assists in minimizing complications that could arise during project implementation as a result of a project participant not being aware of existing agreements, of his or her responsibilities or of the deadlines by which tasks must be completed.

Keywords:ERP system implementation, web application, IT project support

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