
Knjižna in knjižnična vzgoja v predšolskem obdobju : diplomsko delo
ID Burgar, Estera (Author), ID Blažič, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3655/ This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu obravnavam knjižno in knjižnično vzgojo v predšolskem obdobju. Uvodoma predstavim jezik kot kurikularno področje. Podrobneje predstavim govorni razvoj ter knjižno in književno vzgojo predšolskih otrok. V nadaljevanju pišem o mladinski književnosti, njenih začetkih, opredelitvah in naslovnikih. V okviru tega zapišem še nekaj o slikanici kot najpogostejši knjižni obliki v predšolskem obdobju. Teoretični del zaključim z didaktiko mladinske književnosti, podrobneje pa obravnavam sistemsko didaktiko mladinske književnosti. V empiričnem delu predstavljam projekt Ustvarimo knjižnico. Skozi štirinajstdnevni projekt otroke vodita lutki Peter in Mojca, uvodno motivacijo pa projekt črpa iz zgodbe Polenček odpre muzej, avtorice Ashild Kanstad Johnson. V projektu je sodelovala skupina dvajsetih otrok, starih od treh do štirih let. Osnovno vodilo je bilo otrokom približati koncept knjižnice, knjige in oblikovati predstave o pojmih: pisatelj, ilustrator, naslovnica, naslov. Hkrati so se teme posameznih dejavnosti projekta navezovale na vsa področja Kurikuluma za vrtce (1999) in tako omogočale celosten otrokov razvoj. Empirični del tako vsebuje priprave dejavnosti in analize posameznih delov projekta, skozi katere so razvidne aktivnosti in napredek otrok.

Keywords:mladinska književnost, slikanice, didaktika mladinske književnosti, predšolska vzgoja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[E. Burgar]
Number of pages:VI, 60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84816 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11133257 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.09.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Library and literature education in the pre-school period
In my degree paper I have discussed book and library education during preschool period. In the preface I have written about language and curricular field. Afterwards speech development and library and literature education are presented in details. This continues with youth literature, its beginnings, specifications and addressee. In this content I am also discussing picture book, as the most common book in pre-school period. I conclude theoretical part with didactics of youth literature, especially focusing on systematic didactics. The empirical work presents project Let's create library. Through thirty two days project the children are led by dolls Peter and Mojca, my project draws introductory motivation from the story about Polenček odpre muzej, from the author Ahild Kanstad Johnson. Group of twenty children had participated in the project, aged from three to four years. Main premise of the project is to approach the children with the concept of library, book and create the idea on terms like writer, illustrator, title page, title. At the same time the topics relate to specific activity of the project, which relate to all areas of Curriculum for kindergartens (1999) and so it enables full child development. Empirical part contains analysis of specific parts of the project, from which are seen activity and progress of the child.

Keywords:library and literature

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