I devoted my diploma thesis to the research on the influence of dysfunctional families, including processes within it as well as structures that assist in the development of emotional and behavioural disorders (EBD) of an adolescent.
The term EBD, the characteristics of children with EBD and some important classifications, are defined in the theoretical part. Then I focused on the development of EBD in connection with family. I introduced the characteristics of functional and dysfunctional families and compared both of them. Further on I described risky factors causing the development of EBD, unsuitable parental roles, styles of upbringing and their consequences on the adolescent. I defined the term of emotional parenting and the consequences caused by lack of suitable parenting. Furthermore, I emphasized the characteristics of socioeconomic position of families with adolescents who are situated in residential treatment institutions. In addition, I presented the strategies that are used by adolescents to substitute the unfulfilled needs for love, security and belonging. The diploma work introduces the kinds of help which are provided for adolescents and their parents at the residential treatment institutions.
The empirical part includes interviews with two expert workers at Zavod za vzgojo in izobraževanje Logatec, pointing out their opinion and experiences with family influence concerning EBD. Connections to the theoretical basis and strong influence of ignorance, chaos, lack of warmth and love, and above all, conflicts among parents, are stated. All these factors have huge influence on the development of EBD. I found out that many adolescents are in conflict with their inner insecurity which they try to mask in order to appear fearless on the outside. Quite often they socialize with similar peers and escape into the world of alcohol and drugs.