
Delovanje mobilnega radijskega omrežja četrte generacije
ID BERČIČ, ŽIGA (Author), ID STERLE, JANEZ (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 85A60CA3C99A49530F730CC3DCF81AAE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c6d01a67-da15-48f8-a2d8-05ad8561c94e

Diplomsko delo opisuje delovanje mobilnega omrežja četrte generacije, s poudarkom na radijskem delu, kot je bilo prvotno standardizirano, razen če je znotraj teksta omenjeno drugače. V prvem delu je predstavljena arhitektura celotnega dostopovnega in hrbteničnega omrežja. Opisani so posamezni elementi in pomen vmesnikov ter protokolnih skladov za njihovo medsebojno delovanje. V nadaljevanju so podrobneje prikazane sestave radijskih signalov, sodostopne in modulacijske metode, strukturi radijskih okvirjev, pomen Fourierjeve transformacije, ortogonalnosti sinusnih valov, več-antenskih sklopov, prenosnih kanalov in signalov ter na koncu uporaba teh, v primeru začetnega dostopa terminala v omrežje. V zadnjem delu so predstavljeni načrtovalski pristopi pri izgradnji bazne postaje četrte generacije. Opisani so v štirih načrtovalskih fazah, od prvotnih grobih izračunov do končnih finih nastavitev, vzdrževanja in optimizacije. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge je preverjeno delovanje obstoječe komercialne implementacije bazne postaje v primestnem okolju z izvedbo meritev sistemskih parametrov in pokazateljev zmogljivosti po predhodno določeni merilni metodologiji. Meritve so obsegale čas, potreben za prehod terminala v aktivno stanje, obhodni čas potovanja paketov, odzivni čas sistema domenskih imen, hitrost prenosa podatkov, oceno nalaganja spletnih strani z uporabniškega vidika in jakost sprejetega signala. Prikazane so s histogrami in tabelami glavnih vrednosti. Vidne so prednosti in slabosti pri sprejemu radijskih signalov na različnih frekvenčnih območjih, različnih pasovnih širin.

Keywords:mobilna omrežja, LTE, 4G, radijsko načrtovanje, evolucija paketnega sistema, bazna postaja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84504 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Operation of forth generation mobile radio network
The thesis describes the operation of fourth generation mobile networks, with an emphasis on the radio part, as it was originally standardized, unless otherwise stated within the text. The first part presents the overall architecture of the access and backbone network. Specific elements and importance of interfaces and protocol stacks for their interaction. The following chapter shows in detail the composition of the radio signals, multiplexing and modulation methods, the structure of radio frames, the importance of the Fourier transform, orthogonality of sine waves, multi-antenna assemblies, transmission channels and signals and at the end, the application of these in the case of the initial access of the terminal to the network. The final section presents planning approaches in building fourth-generation base stations. It describes the four stages of design, from the initial rough calculations to the final adjustments, maintenance and optimization. In the practical part of the thesis we verified the operation of existing commercial implementation of base stations in the suburban area by measuring system parameters and key performance indicators according to a predetermined measurement methodology. The measurements included the time required for the passage of the terminal into active mode, round trip time of packages, response time of the domain name system, the data transfer rate, the mean opinion score of web page loading times and strength of the received signal. They are shown in histograms and tables of key values. Visible are the advantages and disadvantages in the reception of radio signals in different frequency ranges, different bandwidths.

Keywords:mobile networks, LTE, 4G, RF planning, evolved packet system, base station

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