
Opisno ocenjevanje pri predmetu Šport
ID Pirih Tavčar, Ksenija (Author), ID Štemberger Vučko, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vogrinc, Janez (Comentor)

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Opisno ocenjevanje je oblika ocenjevanja, kjer se v stavkih izraža mnenje o otrokovem znanju ali izdelku. V mnenju je poudarjeno, kaj otrok zna ali obvlada, česa še ne obvlada in kaj je treba storiti, da bo pomanjkljivosti odpravil. Z opisnim ocenjevanjem se učenčevo delo vrednoti glede na zastavljene učne cilje. V opisno oceno pri športu učitelj zapiše vse, kar je pri urah športa posredoval in utrjeval z učenci. Za lažje ocenjevanje in sporočilno opisno oceno potrebuje učitelj vnaprej izdelane opisne kriterije za znanja, opredeljena v učnem načrtu. Natančni opisni kriteriji mu omogočajo tudi natančnejše opazovanje. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo opredelili pojme preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja, opisno ocenjevanje, njegove prednosti in pomanjkljivosti ter pojem opisna ocena. Zanimalo nas je tudi ocenjevanje znanja pri predmetu šport. Natančneje smo opredelili, kaj in kako ocenjujemo pri tem predmetu ter predstavili priporočila za načrtovanje in korektno ocenjevanje pri športu. Predstavili smo učni načrt za predmet šport, kjer so zbrani cilji, vsebine pouka in standardi znanj. Opredelili smo tudi namen in postopek opredeljevanja in izdelave opisnih kriterijev. V želji po doseganju natančnejšega ocenjevanja in bolj kakovostnega znanja pri predmetu šport smo v okviru raziskave izdelali opisne kriterije za znanja, ki so po učnem načrtu predvidena za obravnavo v 1. triletju. Na osnovi povratnih informacij učiteljev, ki so kriterije preizkusili v praksi, smo opisne kriterije optimizirali. Hkrati smo želeli ugotoviti, s katerimi problemi se učitelji srečujejo pri opisnem ocenjevanju pri športu, kako sestavljajo opisne kriterije znanj in če so jim bili opisni kriteriji, ki so bili izdelani v okviru magistrskega dela, v pomoč pri opisovanju dosežkov učencev. Rezultati so pokazali, da učiteljem težave predstavljajo nejasni in ne dovolj natančni kriteriji za ocenjevanje, šablonsko ocenjevanje in prepisovanje standardov iz učnega načrta ter čas, ki ga porabijo za ocenjevanje. Med odgovori učiteljev izstopa tudi problem strokovnega neznanja oziroma nepoznavanja tehnik posameznih športnih vsebin. Vsi sodelujoči v raziskavi so izrazili pozitivno mnenje o izdelanih opisnih kriterijih. Kriteriji naj bi jasno opredeljevali, kaj se ocenjuje in na katere stvari mora biti učitelj pozoren. K natančnejšemu ocenjevanju naj bi pripomogel tudi zapis napak oziroma nepravilne izvedbe. Nekateri učitelji menijo, da tako izdelani kriteriji ne pomagajo le pri ocenjevanju, temveč tudi pri poučevanju in demonstriranju vsebin, spet drugi so mnenja, da so preveč obsežni in bi bilo treba določene elemente združiti. Strinjajo se, da bi bile opisne ocene s tako izdelanimi kriteriji zagotovo bolj sporočilne. Nekateri intervjuvani učitelji so izrazili potrebo po priročniku, v katerem bi bile zbrane vse tehnike posameznih športnih vsebin, kriteriji za ocenjevanje in napake pri izvedbi.

Keywords:preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84416 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11100233 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Descriptive assessment for physical education
Descriptive grading is a type of grading in which opinions about children’s knowledge or products are expressed in sentences. This opinion highlights what individual children know or have mastered, what they have not mastered, and what they should do to improve. In descriptive grading, the pupil’s work is assessed in terms of learning objectives. In their descriptive grades, physical education (PE) teachers write down everything that they have taught and reviewed with their pupils during their PE classes. To make the grading easier and to produce a descriptive grade, teachers require readily available descriptive criteria for the topics defined in the curriculum. Detailed descriptive criteria also enable teachers to observe their pupils with greater precision. The theoretical part of the master’s thesis defines the concepts of testing and grading, descriptive grading (including its advantages and disadvantages), and the concept of descriptive grades. Special attention is directed to grading in PE classes, in which the focus is on what is being graded in this subject and how, and recommendations are presented for planning grading and fair grading. The PE curriculum is presented, including learning objectives, materials covered in class, and learning standards. In addition, the purpose of and procedure for defining and producing descriptive criteria are presented. In order to make possible more accurate grading and better achievement in PE classes, descriptive criteria for curriculum topics covered during the first three years of primary school were produced as part of a survey. Based on feedback received from teachers that tried these criteria out in practice, the descriptive criteria were further improved. An additional goal was to establish the problems that teachers encounter in descriptive grading in PE, how they compose their descriptive criteria, and whether they found the descriptive criteria designed as part of this master’s thesis helpful in describing their pupils’ achievements. The results showed that the problems teachers encounter include unclear and insufficiently detailed grading criteria, one-size-fits-all grading and copying standards from the curriculum, and the time spent grading. Another problem that stands out from the teachers’ replies is a lack of professional skills or unfamiliarity with the techniques related to individual sports topics. All of the respondents expressed a positive opinion toward the descriptive criteria produced. The criteria should provide a clear definition of what is being graded and what the teachers should pay attention to. Writing down performance errors should also contribute to more accurate grading. Some teachers think the criteria developed may be helpful not only for grading, but also for teaching and demonstrating individual topics, whereas others believe they are too broad and that certain elements should be joined together. They agree that descriptive grades produced using such criteria would definitely be more informative. Some respondents expressed the need for a manual that presents all of the techniques for individual sports topics, the grading criteria, and performance errors in one place.

Keywords:testing and grading

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