
Spletni dnevnik v prvem obdobju osnovne šole
ID Kunčič, Špela (Author), ID Rugelj, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Razdevšek Pučko, Cveta (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/3590/ This link opens in a new window

Medmrežje s svetovnim spletom prevzema vodilno vlogo med viri informacij. S tem vpliva na razmišljanje in delovanje svojih uporabnikov, predvsem mlajših, ki ob njem odraščajo. To zahteva dopolnitev obstoječega izobraževanja z vključevanjem sodobnih informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT). Doktorska disertacija predstavlja pedagoško inovacijo v obliki spletnega dnevnika za potrebe vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela v prvem obdobju osnovne šole. Zasnovana je na konceptu konstrukcije klasičnega predstavitvenega portfolija in elektronskega portfolija, spletne zbirke multimedijskih izdelkov, ki prikazujejo, kaj sta se posameznik ali skupina naučila v nekem obdobju. Vsebina ni predstavljena v obliki tradicionalne papirne mape izdelkov, temveč jo udeleženci učnega procesa oblikujejo, hranijo in delijo v digitalni obliki z uporabo IKT. Kvalitativna akcijska raziskava opisuje izkušnje in obravnava možnosti za uporabo spletnega dnevnika kot klasične spletne strani ter bloga. Ob konkretni inovaciji ugotavlja njegovo didaktično vrednost pri razvoju digitalne pismenosti in refleksije pri učencih v prvem obdobju osnovne šole. Predstavljene so tudi izkazane prednosti in slabosti uporabe pri pouku ter povratne informacije sodelujočih učencev, staršev in učiteljev. Namen novega pedagoškega pristopa je spodbujanje učencev, da postanejo aktivni udeleženci in soustvarjalci spletnega učnega okolja, v katerem z različnimi avtentičnimi nalogami predstavljajo svoje znanje, ga reflektirajo in delijo z drugimi. Rezultati akcijske raziskave potrdijo, da uporaba sodobne učne tehnologije nadgradi tradicionalno izobraževanje in omogoči sodobnejši izobraževalni proces, ki učencem ponudi nove izkušnje in spoznanja. Spletni dnevnik se ob ustrezni didaktični uporabi izkaže kot učinkovito učno sredstvo za doseganje izbranih ciljev pouka, razvijanje digitalne pismenosti in pridobivanje spretnosti za razvoj refleksije. Ugotovitve raziskave kažejo na možnost uspešne integracije vsebin digitalne pismenosti v proces začetnega opismenjevanja in odpirajo možnosti za nadaljnje raziskovanje ter razvijanje modela osebnega spletnega dnevnika v izobraževanju. Strokovna uporaba sodobnih učnih tehnologij pri pouku spodbuja nove načine razmišljanja in razvoj digitalne spretnosti, medtem ko pridobljena znanja poleg doseganja formalnih ciljev izobraževanja služijo tudi pripravi za aktivno vključevanje v informacijsko družbo.

Keywords:informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT)
Work type:Dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84406 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11097673 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Electronic portfolio in the first triad of primary school
The Internet, with the World Wide Web, has taken the lead role among the sources of information. As such, it affects the thinking and acting of its users, especially younger ones, who grow up with it. This requires supplementing the existing education process with the use of contemporary information and communication technologies (ICT). This doctoral dissertation introduces a pedagogical innovation in the form of an electronic portfolio (ePortfolio) used to support the educational work in the first triad of primary school. It is based on associating the conventional presentation portfolio with emerging educational technologies and web services to form an online collection of multimedia artefacts that represent what an individual or a group has learned and experienced over time. In contrast to a classic presentation portfolio, where the content is represented by a folder of paper records, an ePortfolio allows the participants of the educational process to create, store, and share the artefacts by means of ICT. The qualitative action research presents experiences and explores opportunities for the application of the ePortfolio in the form of a classical website or blog. In addition to innovating and assessing its didactic value, special attention was paid to the development of digital literacy and reflection skills. The outcomes are reported in the form of advantages and disadvantages for the use of an ePortfolio in the classroom, and as careful examination of the received feedback from participating pupils, parents, and teachers. The purpose of this new pedagogical approach is to encourage pupils to become active participants and creators of a web-based learning environment in which their knowledge is represented and shared in the form of various authentic materials and reflections. The results of the action research reveal that proper use of modern educational technology efficiently complements and improves traditional teaching practice, as well as enables pupils to obtain richer and broader knowledge. It turned out that the ePortfolio can be applied as an effective teaching tool to help pupils achieve curriculum objectives, contributes to the development of digital literacy, and supports the acquisition of reflection skills. The research findings suggest possibilities for the successful integration of digital literacy goals in the process of traditional literacy training and represent solid grounds for further research and development. Competent use of web technologies in the classroom therefore stimulates new ways of thinking and development of digital literacy skills, while the acquired knowledge not only helps achieve the educational objectives, but also breaks new ground for active participation in the information society.

Keywords:information and communications technologies (ICT)

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