
Uporaba poliesterskih netkanih tekstilij za toplotno izolacijo in zadrževanje kondenza
ID Pokrivač, Klemen (Author), ID Bosiljkov, Vlatko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Antolinc, David (Comentor), ID Pajek, Luka (Comentor)

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MD5: C4A8594E2B3862937B7D137D539C404C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/4ebaa62e-8d9f-45e3-bd85-095b95119efa

V diplomski nalogi sem obravnaval netkane tekstilije iz poliestrnih vlaken podjetja Filc d.d. V prvem delu diplomske naloge sem določil toplotno prevodnost različnih voluminoznih netkanih tekstilij z merilcem gostote toplotnega toka. Na osnovi rezultatov sem določil povezavo med gostoto obravnavanih vzorcev, sestavo posameznih vzorcev in njihovo toplotno prevodnostjo. Na osnovi meritev sem dokazal, da imajo obravnavani voluminozne netkane tekstilije primerljivo toplotno prevodnost z izdelki drugih proizvajalcev, ki so dosegljivi na tržišču. Dodatno sem določil okvirno gostoto in sestavo voluminoznih netkanih tekstilij, ki zagotavlja razmeroma nizko toplotno prevodnost. V drugem delu diplomske naloge sem obravnaval konstrukcijski sklop sestavljen iz netkane tekstilije namenjene shranjevanju kondenzata in pločevine. Na osnovi Glaserjeve metode in prilagojene Glaserjeve metode sem določil dovoljene povprečne temperaturne razlike med notranjo in zunanjo stranjo konstrukcijskega sklopa, tako da ni presežena absorpcijska sposobnost netkane tekstilije. Kot vhodni temperaturni podatki na zunanji strani konstrukcijskega sklopa so služili temperaturni podatki za Ljubljano. V diplomski nalogi sem pokazal, da so dovoljene povprečne temperaturne razlike najnižje v zimskem obdobju, v preostalem delu leta pa so lahko temperaturne razlike višje in so si med seboj podobne.

Keywords:netkane tekstilije, toplotna prevodnost, difuzija vodne pare, kondenziranje, enoslojne kovinske strehe, neogrevani objekti, zadrževanje kondenza
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84390 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7570785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.05.2020
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Title:The use of polyester nonwoven textiles for thermal insulation and retention of condensate
In this graduation thesis I studied polyester nonwoven textiles which are being produced by Filc d.d. In the first part of the thesis I measured thermal conductivity properties of different voluminous nonwoven textiles with a heat flow meter. Based on the measurements I determined a connection between density, composition and thermal conductivity of the materials. The measurements showed that the tested nonwoven textiles have comparable thermal conductivity properties with nonwoven textiles which are already available on the market. In addition I determined the approximate density and composition of nonwoven textiles which lead to good thermal conductivity values. In the second part of the graduation thesis I studied a structural composite consisting of a nonwoven textile and thin metal. The purpose of the nonwoven textile is to hold condensed water. Based on the Glaser method and customized Glaser method I determined the allowed average temperature difference between the outer and inner side of the structural composite so that the absorption capacity of the nonwoven textile is not exceeded. For the outer side of the structural composite I used temperature data for Ljubljana. In the thesis I showed that the allowed temperature differences are lower in the winter period compared with the rest of the year. The allowed temperature differences in the rest of the year are higher and comparable with each other.

Keywords:nonwoven textiles, thermal conductivity, vapour diffusion, condensing, single skin metal roofs, unheated buildings, retention of condensate

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