
Pomen socialnega kapitala pri prehodu diplomantov družboslovnih smeri na trg dela
ID Koritnik, Mojca (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Eden od ključnih izzivov, s katerimi se danes spopadajo mladi pri prehodu v odraslost, je iskanje zaposlitve. Živimo v času, ko se Slovenija spopada z visoko stopnjo brezposelnosti, ena izmed najbolj ranljivih skupin na tem področju so ravno mladi. Plačano delo mlademu človeku prinaša (v veliki meri) finančno neodvisnost, ki je osnovni pogoj za rešitev stanovanjskega problema in osnovanje družine. Že nekaj časa pa je mogoče opaziti, da za pridobitev prve službe formalno potrdilo o opravljenem izobraževanju ni dovolj. Še več – (pre)visoka izobrazba je lahko tudi ovira pri iskanju zaposlitve, saj se delodajalci pogosto odločajo za nižje izobražen kader, do katerega imajo potem manjše finančne obveznosti. Poraja se vprašanje, kaj torej iskalci iščejo pri kandidatih za prosto delovno mesto. So to izkušnje, praktična znanja, primerne osebnostne značilnosti …? Eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov pri prehodu na trg dela, je gotovo tudi socialni kapital. Če pojem grobo opredelimo, govorimo o vezah in poznanstvih določenega posameznika. Te vezi so lahko bolj ali manj močne, posamezniku pa lahko pomagajo pri doseganju njegovih ciljev, tudi iskanju zaposlitve. Velja nenapisano pravilo, da z večjim socialnim kapitalom lažje najdeš zaposlitev oz. svoje obstoječe delo zamenjaš za boljše. V svojem diplomskem delu se bom posvetila preučevanju pomena socialnega kapitala pri prehodu mladih diplomantov družboslovnih smeri na trg dela. Problematika se mi zdi zelo aktualna in hkrati uporabna, saj socialni kapital preveva vsa področja družbenega življenja in je zelo pomemben socialni element današnjega družbenega ustroja, tako na makro kot na mikro ravni družbe. Mnenja sem, da je poznavanje socialnega kapitala, njegovega pomena, načina delovanja in vpliv na kakovost tako družbenega kot posameznikovega življenja zelo pomembno, saj se socialni pedagogi na svoji poklicni poti pogosto (hote ali nehote) znajdemo v vlogi tistega, ki ranljivim posameznikom ali skupinam poskušamo odpirati njim nedosegljiva področja družbe – torej direktno širiti socialni kapital. Glavni namen mojega raziskovanja je torej preučevanje socialnega kapitala in njegovega pomena pri prehajanju mladih diplomantov družboslovnih smeri na trg dela. Zanimajo me njihove osebne zgodbe in izkušnje, kako oni ocenjujejo in doživljajo svoje (ne)formalne socialne mreže, koliko so vključeni v različna združenja in kakšen pomen oni sami pripisujejo socialnemu kapitalu pri iskanju (prve) zaposlitve.

Keywords:socialni kapital
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84356 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11088969 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:The importance of social capital in transitioning of social sciences graduates into the labour market
As young people transition into adulthood, one of the key challenges they face is finding employment. We live in a time when Slovenia is experiencing a high unemployment rate and young people represent one of the most vulnerable groups in that respect. Paid work enables a young person to become (to an extent or completely) financially independent, thereby fulfilling the main condition that has to be met in order for one to start addressing housing issues and contemplating having a family. For some time now it has been apparent that a formal proof of education no longer suffices as grounds for one's first employment. What is more, (too) highly educated individuals may find their education to be a hindrance in their search for work, as employers frequently decide on candidates who have acquired more basic levels of education, since their financial commitments to such workers are generally lower. What is it, then, that employers look for in candidates? Perhaps experience, practical skills or suitable personal(ity) traits? One of the important factors in entering the labour market is certainly social capital. Crudely put, the term denotes how well connected an individual is socially and who they know or are at least acquainted with. These connections may vary in strength, but are likely to help an individual reach their goal(s), including finding employment. There is an unwritten rule that individuals with higher social capital will find it easier to find employment or change their job for a more desirable one. My undergraduate thesis focuses on studying the importance of social capital in the transition of young social science graduates to the labour market. I find this to be an issue of current interest that is widely applicable, since the importance of social capital pervades all aspects of social life and presents a very important social element in the structure of today's society at both the macro- and micro-level. It is my belief that knowing social capital, its significance, its modus operandi and its influence on the quality of our social, as well as individual lives, is of utmost importance. In our professional career, social pedagogues frequently (intentionally or inadvertently) find ourselves in the role of those trying to open doors and provide access to social strata hitherto out of reach of vulnerable individuals or groups. In other words, we attempt to directly increase social capital. The main aim of my research is therefore to study social capital and its importance in the transition of young social science graduates to the labour market. I am primarily interested in individuals' personal stories and experiences, their estimates and experiences of their own informal social networks, the level of their inclusion in and cooperation with different organizations and societies, as well as their view on the importance of social capital in searching for one's (first) job.

Keywords:social capital

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