
Zasnova športno rekreacijskih površin v majhnem mestu na primeru Ribnice
ID Klavs, Dejan (Author), ID Zavodnik Lamovšek, Alma (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mrak, Gašper (Comentor)

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MD5: 057BB1376630829C3A8B00A901F0C99C
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/03e1f353-b233-4482-9d26-d1f5e4e7e384

Naloga je usmerjena v proučevanje, urejanje in spoznavanje odprtega javnega prostora s poudarkom na športnorekreacijskih površinah na primeru Ribnice, ki je majhno slovensko mesto. Majhna mesta so v Sloveniji najštevilčnejša in imajo pomembno vlogo v policentričnem urbanem omrežju, saj nudijo možnost za kakovostno življenje tudi izven velikih urbanih središč. Podrobneje smo predstavili vlogo in pomen športnorekreacijskih površin v javnih prostorih ter z njimi povezano zakonodajo pri postopku načrtovanja prostora. Športnorekreacijske površine so osnova za uspešno udejstvovanje v različnih športnih aktivnostih in so pomemben del športne infrastrukture. Vsebujejo tako nepokrite kot tudi pokrite športne objekte in površine. S proučevanjem in analiziranjem prostora smo ugotovili, da na primeru majhnega slovenskega mesta Ribnica ni dovolj urejenih športnorekreacijskih površin. S pomočjo meril in normativov, primerov dobrih praks ter analiz območja smo predstavili načrt za trajnostno ureditev starih in načrtovanje novih športnorekreacijskih površin v izbranem mestu Ribnica. V ustreznem merilu smo izdelali predlog občinskega podrobnega prostorskega načrta za športnorekreacijske površine v mestu. Načrtovane nove površine bodo mestu zagotavljale moderno, atraktivno, ustrezno, funkcionalno in trajnostno uporabo športne infrastrukture.

Keywords:Športnorekreacijske površine, majhna mesta, urban razvoj, športna infrastruktura, odprt javni prostor, kakovost bivanja, mesto Ribnica
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Klavs]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-84334 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7565921 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.08.2016
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Secondary language

Title:Design of sports recreation area in a small town on the case of Ribnica
This Master`s thesis is focusing on studying, arranging and understanding open public space with emphasis on sports and recreational areas in Ribnica, a small Slovenian town. Small towns are predominant in Slovenia and they play an important role in the polycentric urban network and also offer an opportunity for a quality life outside large urban centers. We presented in detail the role and importance of sports and recreational areas in public spaces and related legislation regarding the process of spatial planning. Sports and recreational areas are the basis for successful participation in various sports activities and represent an important part of the sports infrastructure. The latter includes both open and covered sports facilities and areas. Studies and analyses of space reveal that a small Slovenian town Ribnica does not have sufficiently arranged sports and recreational areas. Based on the criteria and standards for planning of those areas, examples of good practice and analyses of the area, we presented a plan for sustainable arrangement of old and new sports and recreational areas in Ribnica. We have made a proposal, made in appropriate scale, for the detailed municipal spatial plan for sports and recreational areas in the town. The new planned areas will provide the town with an up-to-date, attractive, suitable, functional and sustainable use of sports facilities.

Keywords:Sports and recreational areas, small towns, urban development, sports facilities, public open space, quality of life, the city of Ribnica

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